32 #include <linux/module.h> 33 #include <linux/kernel.h> 34 #include "../safeclib/safeclib_private.h" 36 #define DRV_NAME "slk" 37 #define DRV_VERSION "0.0" 38 #define DRV_DESCRIPTION "Safe C Library Kernel Module" 39 #define DRV_COPYRIGHT "Copyright(c) 2012 cisco Systems, Inc." 79 printk(KERN_INFO
"%s called\n", __func__);
static int __init slk_init(void)
Module initialization function.
static void __exit slk_exit(void)
Module exit function.
void abort_handler_s(const char *restrict msg, void *restrict ptr, errno_t error)
This function writes a message on the standard error stream in an implementation-defined format...
constraint_handler_t set_mem_constraint_handler_s(constraint_handler_t handler)
The set_mem_constraint_handler_s function sets the runtime-constraint handler to be handler...
constraint_handler_t set_str_constraint_handler_s(constraint_handler_t handler)
The set_str_constraint_handler_s function sets the runtime-constraint handler to be handler...