safec  3.1
Safe C Library - ISO TR24731 Bounds Checking Interface
safe_str_lib.h File Reference
#include "safe_config.h"
#include "safe_lib_errno.h"
#include "safe_types.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <wchar.h>
+ Include dependency graph for safe_str_lib.h:


#define EXTERN   extern
#define RSIZE_MIN_STR   ( 1 )
#define RSIZE_MAX_WSTR   ( RSIZE_MAX_STR/sizeof(wchar_t) )
#define SAFE_STR_MIN_LOWERCASE   ( 2 )
#define SAFE_STR_MIN_UPPERCASE   ( 2 )
#define SAFE_STR_MIN_NUMBERS   ( 1 )
#define SAFE_STR_MIN_SPECIALS   ( 1 )
#define sl_default_handler   ignore_handler_s
#define strlwr_s(str, slen)   strtolowercase_s((str), (slen))
#define strupr_s(str, slen)   strtouppercase_s((str), (slen))


typedef enum wcsnorm_mode wcsnorm_mode_t


enum  wcsnorm_mode {


EXTERN void abort_handler_s (const char *restrict msg, void *restrict ptr, errno_t error)
 This function writes a message on the standard error stream in an implementation-defined format. More...
EXTERN void ignore_handler_s (const char *restrict msg, void *restrict ptr, errno_t error)
 This function simply returns to the caller. More...
EXTERN constraint_handler_t set_str_constraint_handler_s (constraint_handler_t handler)
 The set_str_constraint_handler_s function sets the runtime-constraint handler to be handler. More...
EXTERN errno_t strcat_s (char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *restrict src)
 The strcat_s function appends a copy of the string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) to the end of the string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strcpy_s (char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *restrict src)
 The strcpy_s function copies the string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) into the array pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strncat_s (char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *restrict src, rsize_t slen)
 The strncat_s function appends a copy of the string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) to the end of the string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strncpy_s (char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *restrict src, rsize_t slen)
 The strncpy_s function copies not more than slen successive characters (characters that follow a null character are not copied) from the array pointed to by src to the array pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN rsize_t strnlen_s (const char *s, rsize_t smax)
 The strnlen_s function computes the length of the string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN char * strtok_s (char *restrict s1, rsize_t *restrict s1max, const char *restrict src, char **restrict ptr)
 A sequence of calls to the strtok_s function breaks the string pointed to by dest into a sequence of tokens, each of which is delimited by a character from the string pointed to by delim. More...
EXTERN int sprintf_s (char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *restrict fmt,...)
 The sprintf_s function composes a string with same test that would be printed if format was used on printf. More...
EXTERN int vsprintf_s (char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *restrict fmt, va_list ap)
 The vsprintf_s function composes a string with same test that would be printed if format was used on printf. More...
EXTERN int snprintf_s (char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *restrict fmt,...)
 The truncating snprintf_s function composes a string with same test that would be printed if format was used on printf. More...
EXTERN int vsnprintf_s (char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *restrict fmt, va_list ap)
 The truncating vsnprintf_s function composes a string with same test that would be printed if format was used on printf. More...
EXTERN int sscanf_s (const char *restrict buffer, const char *restrict fmt,...)
 The sscanf_s function reads a formatted string, and writes to a list of arguments. More...
EXTERN int fscanf_s (FILE *restrict stream, const char *restrict format,...)
 The fscanf_s function reads a formatted string from a buffered FILE stream, and writes to a list of arguments. More...
EXTERN int scanf_s (const char *restrict format,...)
 The scanf_s function reads a formatted string from stdin, and writes to a list of arguments. More...
EXTERN int vscanf_s (const char *restrict format, va_list vlist)
 The vscanf_s function reads a formatted string from stdin, and writes to a list of arguments. More...
EXTERN int vfscanf_s (FILE *restrict stream, const char *restrict format, va_list vlist)
 The vfscanf_s function reads a formatted string from a buffered FILE stream, and writes to a list of arguments. More...
EXTERN int vsscanf_s (const char *restrict buffer, const char *restrict format, va_list vlist)
 The vsscanf_s function reads a formatted string, and writes to a list of arguments. More...
EXTERN int printf_s (const char *restrict format,...)
 The printf_s function composes a string via the format string and writes it to a FILE buffer. More...
EXTERN int fprintf_s (FILE *restrict stream, const char *restrict format,...)
 The fprintf_s function composes a string via the format string and writes it to a FILE buffer. More...
EXTERN int vprintf_s (const char *restrict format, va_list arg)
 The vprintf_s function composes a string via the format string and writes it to a FILE buffer. More...
EXTERN int vfprintf_s (FILE *restrict stream, const char *restrict format, va_list arg)
 The vfprintf_s function composes a string via the format string and writes it to a FILE buffer. More...
EXTERN errno_t strerror_s (char *dest, rsize_t dmax, errno_t errnum)
 The strerror_s function returns a pointer to the textual description of the system error code errnum, identical to the description that would be printed by perror(). More...
EXTERN size_t strerrorlen_s (errno_t errnum)
 The strerrorlen_s function returns the untruncated length of the textual description of the system error code errnum, identical to the description that would be printed by perror(). More...
EXTERN errno_t strcmp_s (const char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, int *indicator)
 Compares string src to string dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strcasecmp_s (const char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, int *indicator)
 Case insensitive string comparison by converting to uppercase prior to the compare. More...
EXTERN errno_t strcasestr_s (char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, rsize_t slen, char **substring)
 The strcasestr_s() function locates the first occurrence of the substring pointed to by src which would be located in the string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strcmpfld_s (const char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, int *indicator)
 Compares the character array pointed to by src to the character array pointed to by dest for dmax characters. More...
EXTERN errno_t strcpyfld_s (char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, rsize_t slen)
 The strcpyfld_s function copies slen characters from the character array pointed to by src into the character array pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strcpyfldin_s (char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, rsize_t slen)
 The strcpyfldin_s function copies at most slen characters from the null terminated string pointed to by src into the fixed character array pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strcpyfldout_s (char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, rsize_t slen)
 The strcpyfldout_s function copies slen characters from the character array pointed to by src into the string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strcspn_s (const char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, rsize_t slen, rsize_t *count)
 This function computes the prefix length of the string pointed to by dest which consists entirely of characters that are excluded from the string pointed to by src. More...
EXTERN errno_t strfirstchar_s (char *dest, rsize_t dmax, char c, char **first)
 This function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of character c in dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strfirstdiff_s (const char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, rsize_t *idx)
 Returns the index of the first character that is different between dest and src. More...
EXTERN bool strisalphanumeric_s (const char *str, rsize_t slen)
 This function checks if the entire string contains alphanumerics. More...
EXTERN bool strisascii_s (const char *str, rsize_t slen)
 This function checks if the entire string contains ascii characters. More...
EXTERN bool strisdigit_s (const char *str, rsize_t slen)
 This function checks that the entire string contains digits. More...
EXTERN bool strishex_s (const char *str, rsize_t slen)
 This function checks that the entire string contains hex characters. More...
EXTERN bool strislowercase_s (const char *str, rsize_t slen)
 This function checks if entire string is lowercase. More...
EXTERN bool strismixedcase_s (const char *str, rsize_t slen)
 This function checks that the entire string is mixed case. More...
EXTERN bool strispassword_s (const char *str, rsize_t slen)
 This function validates the make-up of a password string. More...
EXTERN bool strisuppercase_s (const char *str, rsize_t slen)
 This function checks if entire string is uppercase The scanning stops at the first null or after dmax characters. More...
EXTERN errno_t strlastchar_s (char *str, rsize_t smax, char c, char **first)
 Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of character c in dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strlastdiff_s (const char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, rsize_t *idx)
 Returns the index of the last character that is different between dest and src. More...
EXTERN errno_t strljustify_s (char *dest, rsize_t dmax)
 Removes beginning whitespace from the string pointed to by dest by shifting the text left over writting the beginning whitespace, left justifying the text. More...
EXTERN rsize_t strnterminate_s (char *s, rsize_t smax)
 The strnterminate_s function will terminate the string if a null is not encountered before dmax characters. More...
EXTERN errno_t strpbrk_s (char *dest, rsize_t dmax, char *src, rsize_t slen, char **first)
 Returns a pointer, first, to the first ocurrence of any character in src which is contained in dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strfirstsame_s (const char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, rsize_t *idx)
 Returns the index of the first character that is the same between dest and src. More...
EXTERN errno_t strlastsame_s (const char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, rsize_t *idx)
 Returns the index of the last character that is the same between dest and src. More...
EXTERN errno_t strprefix_s (const char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src)
 Determines if the prefix pointed to by src is at the beginning of string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strremovews_s (char *dest, rsize_t dmax)
 Removes beginning and trailing whitespace from the string pointed to by dest by shifting the text left over writting the beginning whitespace (space or tab). More...
EXTERN errno_t strspn_s (const char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, rsize_t slen, rsize_t *count)
 This function computes the prefix length of the string pointed to by dest which consists entirely of characters that are included from the string pointed to by src. More...
EXTERN errno_t strstr_s (char *dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *src, rsize_t slen, char **substring)
 The strstr_s() function locates the first occurrence of the substring pointed to by src which would be located in the string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strchr_s (const char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const int ch, char **result)
 Finds the first occurrence of ch (after conversion to char as if by (char)ch) in the null-terminated byte string pointed to by dest (each character interpreted as unsigned char). More...
EXTERN errno_t strrchr_s (const char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const int ch, char **result)
 Finds the last occurrence of ch (after conversion to char as if by (char)ch) in the null-terminated byte string pointed to by dest (each character interpreted as unsigned char). More...
EXTERN errno_t strtolowercase_s (char *restrict str, rsize_t slen)
 Scans the string converting uppercase characters to lowercase, leaving all other characters unchanged. More...
EXTERN errno_t strtouppercase_s (char *str, rsize_t slen)
 Scans the string converting lowercase characters to uppercase, leaving all other characters unchanged. More...
EXTERN errno_t strzero_s (char *dest, rsize_t dmax)
 Nulls maximal dmax characters of dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t strcoll_s (const char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *restrict src, int *indicator)
 Compares two null-terminated byte strings according to the current locale as defined by the LC_COLLATE category. More...
EXTERN errno_t strset_s (char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, int value)
 Sets maximal dmax characters of dest to a character value, but not the final NULL character. More...
EXTERN errno_t strnset_s (char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, int value, rsize_t n)
 Sets maximal n characters of dest to a character value, but not the final NULL character. More...
EXTERN errno_t mbstowcs_s (size_t *restrict retval, wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const char *restrict src, rsize_t len)
EXTERN errno_t mbsrtowcs_s (size_t *restrict retval, wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const char **restrict src, rsize_t len, mbstate_t *restrict ps)
 Does not permit the ps parameter (the pointer to the conversion state) to be a null pointer. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsrtombs_s (size_t *restrict retval, char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t **restrict src, rsize_t len, mbstate_t *restrict ps)
 Does not permit the ps parameter (the pointer to the conversion state) to be a null pointer. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcstombs_s (size_t *restrict retval, char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t len)
 The wcstombs_s function converts a sequence of wide characters from the array whose first element is pointed to by src to to its narrow multibyte representation from the current LC_CTYPE locale. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcrtomb_s (size_t *restrict retval, char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, wchar_t wc, mbstate_t *restrict ps)
 Does not permit the ps parameter (the pointer to the conversion state) to be a null pointer. More...
EXTERN errno_t wctomb_s (int *restrict retval, char *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, wchar_t wc)
 The wctomb_s function converts a single wide character to its narrow multibyte representation from the current LC_CTYPE locale. More...
EXTERN size_t wcsnlen_s (const wchar_t *dest, size_t dmax)
 The wcsnlen_s function computes the length of the wide string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcscpy_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict src)
 The wcscpy_s function copies the string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) into the array pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsncpy_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t slen)
 The wcsncpy_s function copies the wide string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) into the wide string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcscat_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict src)
 The wcscat_s function appends a copy of the wide string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) to the end of the wide string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsncat_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t slen)
 The wcsncat_s function appends a copy of the wide string pointed to by src (including the terminating null wide character) to the end of the wide string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN wchar_t * wcstok_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t *restrict dmax, const wchar_t *restrict delim, wchar_t **restrict ptr)
 A sequence of calls to the wcstok_s function breaks the string pointed to by dest into a sequence of tokens, each of which is delimited by a character from the string pointed to by delim. More...
EXTERN int swprintf_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict fmt,...)
 The swprintf_s function composes a wide string with same test that would be printed if format was used on wprintf. More...
EXTERN int vswprintf_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict fmt, va_list ap)
 The vswprintf_s function composes a wide string with same test that would be printed if format was used on wprintf. More...
EXTERN int snwprintf_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict fmt,...)
 The truncating snwprintf_s function composes a wide string with same test that would be printed if format was used on wprintf. More...
EXTERN int vsnwprintf_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict fmt, va_list ap)
 The truncating vsnwprintf_s function composes a wide string with same test that would be printed if format was used on wprintf. More...
EXTERN int wprintf_s (const wchar_t *restrict fmt,...)
 The wprintf_s function prints formatted output to stdout as wide string. More...
EXTERN int vwprintf_s (const wchar_t *restrict fmt, va_list ap)
 The vwprintf_s function prints formatted output to stdout as wide string. More...
EXTERN int fwprintf_s (FILE *restrict stream, const wchar_t *restrict fmt,...)
 The fwprintf_s function prints formatted output to a wide stream. More...
EXTERN int vfwprintf_s (FILE *restrict stream, const wchar_t *restrict fmt, va_list ap)
 The vfwprintf_s function prints formatted output to a wide stream. More...
EXTERN int swscanf_s (const wchar_t *restrict buffer, const wchar_t *restrict fmt,...)
 The swscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string. More...
EXTERN int vswscanf_s (const wchar_t *restrict buffer, const wchar_t *restrict fmt, va_list ap)
 The vswscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string. More...
EXTERN int wscanf_s (const wchar_t *restrict fmt,...)
 The wscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string from stdin. More...
EXTERN int vwscanf_s (const wchar_t *restrict fmt, va_list ap)
 The vwscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string from stdin. More...
EXTERN int fwscanf_s (FILE *restrict stream, const wchar_t *restrict fmt,...)
 The fwscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string. More...
EXTERN int vfwscanf_s (FILE *restrict stream, const wchar_t *restrict fmt, va_list ap)
 The vfwscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsstr_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t slen, wchar_t **restrict substring)
 The wcsstr_s() function locates the first occurrence of the wide substring pointed to by src which would be located in the wide string pointed to by dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcscmp_s (const wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t smax, int *diff)
 Compares wide string src to wide string dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsncmp_s (const wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t smax, rsize_t count, int *diff)
 Compares at most count wide characters of wide string src with wide string dest. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsicmp_s (const wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t smax, int *diff)
 Compares two wide strings case-folded, via wcsfc_s(), i.e. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsset_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, wchar_t value)
 Sets maximal dmax wide characters of dest to a wide character value, but not the final NULL character. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsnset_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, wchar_t value, size_t n)
 Sets maximal n wide characters of dest to a wide character value, but not the final NULL character. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcscoll_s (const wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t smax, int *indicator)
 Compares two null-terminated wide strings according to the current locale as defined by the LC_COLLATE category. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcslwr_s (wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t slen)
 Scans the string converting uppercase characters to simple lowercase, leaving all other characters unchanged. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsupr_s (wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t slen)
 Scans the string converting lowercase characters to uppercase, leaving all other characters unchanged. More...
EXTERN int iswfc (wint_t wc)
EXTERN int towfc_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, const wint_t src)
 towfc_s() converts a wide character to fully fold-cased (lowercased with possible expansions), according to the Unicode 10.0 CaseFolding table. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsfc_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t *restrict lenp)
 Converts the wide string via full case-folding NFD normalized to lowercase. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsnorm_decompose_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t *restrict lenp, bool iscompat)
 Converts the wide string to the canonical NFD normalization, as defined in the latest Unicode standard, latest 10.0. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsnorm_reorder_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t len)
 Reorder all decomposed sequences in a wide string to NFD, as defined in the latest Unicode standard, latest 10.0. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsnorm_compose_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, wchar_t *restrict src, rsize_t *restrict lenp, bool iscontig)
 Combine all decomposed sequences in a wide string to NFC, as defined in the latest Unicode standard, latest 10.0. More...
EXTERN errno_t wcsnorm_s (wchar_t *restrict dest, rsize_t dmax, wchar_t *restrict src, wcsnorm_mode_t mode, rsize_t *restrict lenp)
 Converts the wide string to the canonical NFC or NFD normalization, as defined in the latest Unicode standard, latest 10.0. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define EXTERN   extern


#define RSIZE_MIN_STR   ( 1 )


#define RSIZE_MAX_WSTR   ( RSIZE_MAX_STR/sizeof(wchar_t) )


#define SAFE_STR_MIN_LOWERCASE   ( 2 )


#define SAFE_STR_MIN_UPPERCASE   ( 2 )


#define SAFE_STR_MIN_NUMBERS   ( 1 )


#define SAFE_STR_MIN_SPECIALS   ( 1 )





◆ sl_default_handler

#define sl_default_handler   ignore_handler_s

◆ strlwr_s

#define strlwr_s (   str,
)    strtolowercase_s((str), (slen))

◆ strupr_s

#define strupr_s (   str,
)    strtouppercase_s((str), (slen))

Typedef Documentation

◆ wcsnorm_mode_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ wcsnorm_mode


Function Documentation

◆ abort_handler_s()

EXTERN void abort_handler_s ( const char *restrict  msg,
void *restrict  ptr,
errno_t  error 

This function writes a message on the standard error stream in an implementation-defined format.

The message shall include the string pointed to by msg. The abort_handler_s function then calls the abort function.

SPECIFIED IN ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG14 N1172, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]msgPointer to the message describing the error
[in]ptrPointer to aassociated data. Can be NULL.
[in]errorThe error code encountered.
See also

◆ ignore_handler_s()

EXTERN void ignore_handler_s ( const char *restrict  msg,
void *restrict  ptr,
errno_t  error 

This function simply returns to the caller.

SPECIFIED IN ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG14 N1172, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]msgPointer to the message describing the error
[in]ptrPointer to aassociated data. Can be NULL.
[in]errorThe error code encountered.
See also

◆ set_str_constraint_handler_s()

EXTERN constraint_handler_t set_str_constraint_handler_s ( constraint_handler_t  handler)

The set_str_constraint_handler_s function sets the runtime-constraint handler to be handler.

The runtime-constraint handler is the function to be called when a library function detects a runtime-constraint violation. Only the most recent handler registered with set_str_constraint_handler_s is called when a runtime-constraint violation occurs. When the handler is called, it is passed the following arguments in the following order:

  1. A pointer to a character string describing the runtime-constraint violation.
  2. A null pointer or a pointer to an implementation defined object.
  3. If the function calling the handler has a return type declared as errno_t, the return value of the function is passed. Otherwise, a positive value of type errno_t is passed. The implementation has a default constraint handler that is used if no calls to the set_constraint_handler_s function have been made. The behavior of the default handler is implementation-defined, and it may cause the program to exit or abort. If the handler argument to set_constraint_handler_s is a null pointer, the implementation default handler becomes the current constraint handler.
SPECIFIED IN ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG14 N1172, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
See also

◆ strcat_s()

EXTERN errno_t strcat_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *restrict  src 

The strcat_s function appends a copy of the string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) to the end of the string pointed to by dest.

The initial character from src overwrites the null character at the end ofdest.

All elements following the terminating null character (if any) written by strcat_s in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest take unspecified values when strcat_s returns. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined the rest is cleared with NULL bytes.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The strcat_s function (p: 617-618)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string that will be extended by src if dmax allows. The string is null terminated. If the resulting concatenated string is less than dmax, the remaining slack space is nulled.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of the resulting dest, including the null
[in]srcpointer to the string that will be concatenaed to string dest
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer
dmax shall not equal zero
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR
dmax shall be greater than strnlen_s(src,m).
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR, then strcat_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation, all the characters from src were appended to dest and the result in dest is null terminated.
ESNULLPwhen dest or src is a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESUNTERMwhen dest not terminated in the first dmax bytes
ESOVRLPwhen src overlaps with dest
See also
strncat_s(), strcpy_s(), strncpy_s()

◆ strcpy_s()

EXTERN errno_t strcpy_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *restrict  src 

The strcpy_s function copies the string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) into the array pointed to by dest.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written by strcpy_s in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled when strcpy_s returns.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The strcpy_s function (p: 615-616)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string that will be replaced by src.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]srcpointer to the string that will be copied to dest
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall be greater than strnlen_s(src, dmax).
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and destmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR, then strcpy_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation, the characters in src were copied into dest and the result is null terminated.
ESNULLPwhen dest or src is a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESOVRLPwhen strings overlap
ESNOSPCwhen dest < src
See also
strcat_s(), strncat_s(), strncpy_s()

◆ strncat_s()

EXTERN errno_t strncat_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *restrict  src,
rsize_t  slen 

The strncat_s function appends a copy of the string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) to the end of the string pointed to by dest.

The initial character from src overwrites the null character at the end of dest.

All elements following the terminating null character (if any) written by strncat_s in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest take unspecified values when strncat_s returns. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined the rest is cleared with NULL bytes.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The strncat_s function (p: 618-620)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string that will be extended by src if dmax allows. The string is null terminated. If the resulting concatenated string is less than dmax, the remaining slack space is nulled.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of the resulting dest, including the null
[in]srcpointer to the string that will be concatenaed to string dest
[in]slenmaximum characters to append
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer
dmax shall not equal zero
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR
dmax shall be greater than strnlen_s(src,m).
Copying shall not takeplace between objects that overlap
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR, then strncat_s sets dest[0] to the null character.
Return values
EOKsuccessful operation, all the characters from src null terminated.
ESNULLPwhen dest/src is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/slen > RSIZE_MAX_STR
ESUNTERMwhen dest not terminated
ESOVRLPwhen src overlaps with dest

◆ strncpy_s()

EXTERN errno_t strncpy_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *restrict  src,
rsize_t  slen 

The strncpy_s function copies not more than slen successive characters (characters that follow a null character are not copied) from the array pointed to by src to the array pointed to by dest.

If no null character was copied from src, then dest[n] is set to a null character.

All elements following the terminating null character (if any) written by strncpy_s in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest take unspecified values when strncpy_s returns. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined the rest is cleared with NULL bytes.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): The strncpy function (p: 326-327)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731-1, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string that will be replaced by src.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]srcpointer to the string that will be copied to dest
[in]slenthe maximum number of characters to copy from src
dmax shall not be zero.
Neither dmax nor slen shall be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
If slen is either greater than or equal to dmax, then dmax should be more than strnlen_s(src,dmax) to avoid truncation.
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR, then strncpy_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKsuccessful operation, the characters in src were copied to dest and the result is null terminated.
ESNULLPwhen dest/src is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0. Before C11 also with slen = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/slen > RSIZE_MAX_STR
ESOVRLPwhen strings overlap
ESNOSPCwhen dest < src
See also
strcat_s(), strncat_s(), strcpy_s(), wcsncpy_s()

◆ strnlen_s()

EXTERN rsize_t strnlen_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

The strnlen_s function computes the length of the string pointed to by dest.

SPECIFIED IN ISO/IEC TR 24731-1, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string
dmaxmaximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
The function returns the string length, excluding the terminating null character. If dest is NULL, then strnlen_s returns 0. Otherwise, the strnlen_s function returns the number of characters that precede the terminating null character. If there is no null character in the first dmax characters of dest then strnlen_s returns dmax. At most the first dmax characters of dest are accessed by strnlen_s.
See also

◆ strtok_s()

EXTERN char* strtok_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t *restrict  dmax,
const char *restrict  delim,
char **restrict  ptr 

A sequence of calls to the strtok_s function breaks the string pointed to by dest into a sequence of tokens, each of which is delimited by a character from the string pointed to by delim.

The fourth argument points to a caller-provided char pointer into which the strtok_s function stores information necessary for it to continue scanning the same string.

The first call in a sequence has a non-null first argument and dmax points to an object whose value is the number of elements in the character array pointed to by the first argument. The first call stores an initial value in the object pointed to by ptr and updates the value pointed to by dmax to reflect the number of elements that remain in relation to ptr. Subsequent calls in the sequence have a null first argument and the objects pointed to by dmax and ptr are required to have the values stored by the previous call in the sequence, which are then updated. The separator string pointed to by delim may be different from call to call.

The first call in the sequence searches the string pointed to by dest for the first character that is not contained in the current separator string pointed to by delim. If no such character is found, then there are no tokens in the string pointed to by dest and the strtok_s function returns a null pointer. If such a character is found, it is the start of the first token.

The strtok_s function then searches from there for the first character in dest that is contained in the current separator string. If no such character is found, the current token extends to the end of the string pointed to by dest, and subsequent searches in the same string for a token return a null pointer. If such a character is found, it is overwritten by a null character, which terminates the current token.

In all cases, the strtok_s function stores sufficient information in the pointer pointed to by ptr so that subsequent calls, with a null pointer for dest and the unmodified pointer value for ptr, shall start searching just past the element overwritten by a null character (if any).

delim uses a STRTOK_DELIM_MAX_LEN of 16.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The strtok_s function (p: 620-621)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731-1, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to tokenize
[out]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest string
[in]delimpointer to delimiter string (len < 255)
[out]ptrreturned pointer to token
delim shall not be a null pointer.
ptr shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be a null pointer.
*dmax shall not be 0.
If dest is a null pointer, then *ptr shall not be a null pointer.
dest must not be unterminated.
The value of *dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR. The end of the token found shall occur within the first *dmax characters of dest for the first call, and shall occur within the first *dmax characters of where searching resumes on subsequent calls.
delim must not be longer than STRTOK_DELIM_MAX_LEN (default: 16).
The mingw MINGW_HAS_SECURE_API declares it without the dmax argument and without restrict. Skip it there. char* strtok_s (char *str, const char *delim, char **ctx)
The strtok_s function returns a pointer to the first character of a token; or a null pointer if there is no token or there is a runtime-constraint violation. Each call modifies dest by substituting a NULL character for the first delimiter that occurs after the returned token. If there is a runtime-constraint violation, the strtok_s function does not indirect through the dest/delim pointers, and does not store a value in the object pointed to by ptr.

errno is set to: ESNULLP when dest/delim/ptr is NULL pointer ESZEROL when *dmax = 0 ESLEMAX when *dmax > RSIZE_MAX_STR ESUNTERM when unterminated string C11 just returns EINVAL

Example to demonstrate usage of strtok_s() to tokenize a string
// Approach1: sequential strtok_s() calls
str1 = ",.:*one,two;three,;four*.*.five-six***"; // String to tokenize
len = 38;
str2 = ",.;*"; // String of delimiters
p2tok = strtok_s(str1, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: one, remaining: two;three,;four*.*.five-six***, len: 30
p2tok = strtok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: two, remaining: three,;four*.*.five-six***, len: 26
p2tok = strtok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: three, remaining: ;four*.*.five-six***, len: 20
p2tok = strtok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: four, remaining .*.five-six***, len: 14
p2tok = strtok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: five-six, remaining: **, len: 2
p2tok = strtok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: (null), remaining: **, len: 0
// Approach2: Use of while loop with same entry data as used above
p2tok = str1;
while (p2tok && len)
p2tok = strtok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
printf(" token -- remaining -- len=0 \n", p2tok, p2str, (int)len );

◆ sprintf_s()

EXTERN int sprintf_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *restrict  fmt,

The sprintf_s function composes a string with same test that would be printed if format was used on printf.

Instead of being printed, the content is stored in dest.

[out]deststorage location for output buffer.
[in]dmaxmaximum number of characters to store in buffer.
[in]fmtformat-control string.
[in]...optional arguments
Neither dest nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall be greater than strnlen_s(dest, dmax).
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n.
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
If no runtime-constraint violation occurred, the sprintf_s function returns the number of characters written in the array, not counting the terminating null character. If an encoding error occurred, sprintf_s returns a negative value. If any other runtime- constraint violation in vsnprintf occurred, sprintf_s returns zero.
If the buffer dest is too small for the formatted text, including the terminating null, then the buffer is set to an empty string by placing a null character at dest[0], and the invalid parameter handler is invoked. Unlike _snprintf, sprintf_s guarantees that the buffer will be null-terminated unless the buffer size is zero.

errno: ESNULLP when dest/fmt is NULL pointer ESZEROL when dmax = 0 ESLEMAX when dmax > RSIZE_MAX_STR ESNOSPC when return value exceeds dmax EINVAL when fmt contains n

Return values
-1if an encoding error occurred or the return buffer size exceeds dmax.
0on some other error in vsnprintf().

◆ vsprintf_s()

EXTERN int vsprintf_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vsprintf_s function composes a string with same test that would be printed if format was used on printf.

Instead of being printed, the content is stored in dest. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written by vsprintf_s in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled when vsprintf_s returns.

[out]destpointer to string that will be written into.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]fmtformat-control string.
[in]apoptional arguments
Neither dest nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall be greater than strnlen_s(dest, dmax).
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer
No encoding error shall occur.
On success the total number of characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned.
If the buffer dest is too small for the formatted text, including the terminating null, then the buffer is set to an empty string by placing a null character at dest[0], and the invalid parameter handler is invoked. Unlike vsnprintf, vsprintf_s guarantees that the buffer will be null-terminated unless the buffer size is zero.

errno: ESNULLP when dest/fmt is NULL pointer ESZEROL when dmax = 0 ESLEMAX when dmax > RSIZE_MAX_STR ESNOSPC when return value exceeds dmax EINVAL when fmt contains n

Return values
-1if an encoding error occurred or the return buffer size exceeds dmax.
0on some other error in vsnprintf().
See also
sprintf_s(), vsnprintf_s()

◆ snprintf_s()

EXTERN int snprintf_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *restrict  fmt,

The truncating snprintf_s function composes a string with same test that would be printed if format was used on printf.

Instead of being printed, the content is stored in dest. More than dmax - 1 characters might be written, so this variant is unsafe! Always use sprintf_s instead. The resulting character string will be terminated with a null character, unless dmax is zero. If dmax is zero, nothing is written and dest may be a null pointer, however the return value (number of bytes that would be written) is still calculated and returned. Warning: Unlike the safe variant sprintf_s, snprintf_s does not guarantee that the buffer will be null-terminated unless the buffer size is zero.

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vsnprintf call fails, errno is set.
[out]destpointer to string that will be written into.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]fmtformat-control string.
[in]...optional arguments
Neither dest nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall be greater than strnlen_s(dest, dmax).
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n.
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
Number of characters not including the terminating null character (which is always written as long as buffer is not a null pointer and dmax is not zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR), which would have been written to dest if dmax was ignored, or a negative value if a runtime constraints violation or an encoding error occurred.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen dest/fmt is NULL pointer
-ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
See also
sprintf_s(), vsnprintf_s()

◆ vsnprintf_s()

EXTERN int vsnprintf_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The truncating vsnprintf_s function composes a string with same test that would be printed if format was used on printf.

Instead of being printed, the content is stored in dest. Warning: Unlike the safe variant vsprintf_s, vsnprintf_s does not guarantee that the buffer will be null-terminated unless the buffer size is zero. More than dmax - 1 characters might be written!

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vsnprintf call fails, errno is set.
[out]destpointer to string that will be written into.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]fmtformat-control string.
[in]apoptional arguments
Neither dest nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall be greater than strnlen_s(dest, dmax).
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n.
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
On success the total number of characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned.
If the buffer dest is too small for the formatted text, including the terminating null, then the buffer is set to an empty string by placing a null character at dest[0], and the invalid parameter handler is invoked. Unlike vsnprintf, vsprintf_s guarantees that the buffer will be null-terminated unless the buffer size is zero.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen dest/fmt is NULL pointer
-ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
See also
sprintf_s(), vsprintf_s()

◆ sscanf_s()

EXTERN int sscanf_s ( const char *restrict  buffer,
const char *restrict  fmt,

The sscanf_s function reads a formatted string, and writes to a list of arguments.

Reaching the end of the string is equivalent to reaching the end-of-file condition for fscanf.

[in]bufferpointer to a null-terminated string to read from
[in]fmtformat-control string.
[out]...arguments to write to
Neither buffer nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a c into a single character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vsscanf_s(), swscanf_s(), vsnprintf_s()

◆ fscanf_s()

EXTERN int fscanf_s ( FILE *restrict  stream,
const char *restrict  fmt,

The fscanf_s function reads a formatted string from a buffered FILE stream, and writes to a list of arguments.

[in]streampointer to a FILE stream to read from
[in]fmtformat-control string.
[out]...arguments to write to
Neither stream nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a c into a single character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vfscanf_s(), fwscanf_s(), scanf_s()

◆ scanf_s()

EXTERN int scanf_s ( const char *restrict  fmt,

The scanf_s function reads a formatted string from stdin, and writes to a list of arguments.

Reaching the end of the io buffer is equivalent to reaching the end-of-file condition for fscanf.

[in]fmtformat-control string.
[out]...arguments to write to
fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a c into a single character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vsscanf_s(), swscanf_s(), vsnprintf_s()

◆ vscanf_s()

EXTERN int vscanf_s ( const char *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vscanf_s function reads a formatted string from stdin, and writes to a list of arguments.

Reaching the end of the io buffer is equivalent to reaching the end-of-file condition for fscanf.

[in]fmtformat-control string.
[out]aparguments to write to
fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a c into a single character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vfscanf_s(), scanf_s(), vsscanf_s()

◆ vfscanf_s()

EXTERN int vfscanf_s ( FILE *restrict  stream,
const char *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vfscanf_s function reads a formatted string from a buffered FILE stream, and writes to a list of arguments.

[in]streampointer to a FILE stream to read from
[in]fmtformat-control string.
[out]aparguments to write to
Neither stream nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a c into a single character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vvfscanf_s(), fwscanf_s(), scanf_s()

◆ vsscanf_s()

EXTERN int vsscanf_s ( const char *restrict  buffer,
const char *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vsscanf_s function reads a formatted string, and writes to a list of arguments.

Reaching the end of the string is equivalent to reaching the end-of-file condition for fscanf.

[in]bufferpointer to a null-terminated string to read from
[in]fmtformat-control string.
[out]aparguments to write to
Neither buffer nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a c into a single character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vvsscanf_s(), swscanf_s(), vsnprintf_s()

◆ printf_s()

EXTERN int printf_s ( const char *restrict  fmt,

The printf_s function composes a string via the format string and writes it to a FILE buffer.

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vprintf call fails, errno is set.
[in]fmtformat-control string
[in]...optional arguments
fmt shall not be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n.
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
On success the total number of characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen fmt is NULL pointer
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
-1on some other error. errno is set then.

◆ fprintf_s()

EXTERN int fprintf_s ( FILE *restrict  stream,
const char *restrict  fmt,

The fprintf_s function composes a string via the format string and writes it to a FILE buffer.

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vfprintf call fails, errno is set.
[out]streamoutput file stream to write to
[in]fmtformat-control string.
[in]...optional arguments
Neither stream nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n.
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
On success the total number of characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen stream/fmt is NULL pointer
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
-1on some other error. errno is set then.

◆ vprintf_s()

EXTERN int vprintf_s ( const char *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vprintf_s function composes a string via the format string and writes it to a FILE buffer.

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vprintf call fails, errno is set.
[in]fmtformat-control string
[in]apoptional arguments
fmt shall not be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n.
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
On success the total number of characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen fmt is NULL pointer
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
-1on some other error. errno is set then.

◆ vfprintf_s()

EXTERN int vfprintf_s ( FILE *restrict  stream,
const char *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vfprintf_s function composes a string via the format string and writes it to a FILE buffer.

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vfprintf call fails, errno is set.
[out]streamoutput file stream to write to
[in]fmtformat-control string.
[in]apoptional arguments
Neither stream nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n.
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
On success the total number of characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen stream/fmt is NULL pointer
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
-1on some other error. errno is set then.

◆ strerror_s()

EXTERN errno_t strerror_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
errno_t  errnum 

The strerror_s function returns a pointer to the textual description of the system error code errnum, identical to the description that would be printed by perror().

In addition to strerror() it adds the size of the destination array in order to prevent buffer overflow, and it truncates overlong error messages with "...".

No more than bufsz-1 bytes are written, the buffer is always null-terminated. If the message had to be truncated to fit the buffer and bufsz is greater than 3, then only bufsz-4 bytes are written, and the characters "..." are appended before the null terminator. The behavior is undefined if writing to dest occurs past the end of the array, which can happen when the size of the buffer pointed to by dest is less than the number of characters in the error message which in turn is less than dmax.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The strerror_s function (p: 622)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to a user-provided buffer.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]errnuminteger value referring to an error code
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
Zero if the entire message was successfully stored in dest, non-zero otherwise.
Return values
EOKon success
ESNULLPwhen dest is a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESLEMINwhen the result would be longer than 4 and dmax < 4
See also

◆ strerrorlen_s()

EXTERN size_t strerrorlen_s ( errno_t  errnum)

The strerrorlen_s function returns the untruncated length of the textual description of the system error code errnum, identical to the description that would be printed by perror().

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The strerrorlen_s function (p: 622)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]errnuminteger value referring to an error code
The length of the error message or 0
See also

◆ strcmp_s()

EXTERN errno_t strcmp_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
int *  indicator 

Compares string src to string dest.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG14 N1172, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string dest
[in]srcpointer to the string to be compared to dest
[out]indicatorpointer to result indicator, greater than 0, equal to 0 or less than 0, if the string pointed to by dest is greater than, equal to or less than the string pointed to by src respectively.
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
indicator shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR
indicator (when the return code is OK)
Return values
>0when dest greater than src
0when strings the same
<0when dest less than src
EOKwhen comparison is complete
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/indicator is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
See also

◆ strcasecmp_s()

EXTERN errno_t strcasecmp_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
int *  indicator 

Case insensitive string comparison by converting to uppercase prior to the compare.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string dest
[in]srcpointer to the string to be compared to dest
[out]indicatorpointer to result indicator, greater than 0, equal to 0 or less than 0, if the string pointed to by dest is greater than, equal to or less than the string pointed to by src respectively.
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
indicator shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR
indicator (when the return code is OK)
Return values
>0when dest greater than src
0when strings the same
<0when dest less than src
EOKwhen comparison is complete
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/indicator is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
See also

◆ strcasestr_s()

EXTERN errno_t strcasestr_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
rsize_t  slen,
char **  substring 

The strcasestr_s() function locates the first occurrence of the substring pointed to by src which would be located in the string pointed to by dest.

The comparison is case insensitive.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to be searched for the substring
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest string
[in]srcpointer to the sub string
[in]slenmaximum length of src string
[out]substringreturned pointer to the substring
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
Neither dmax nor slen shall equal zero.
Neither dmax nor slen shall be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation, substring found.
ESNULLPwhen dst/src/substring is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax/slen = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/slen > RSIZE_MAX_STR
ESNOTFNDwhen substring not found
See also
strstr_s(), strprefix_s()

◆ strcmpfld_s()

EXTERN errno_t strcmpfld_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
int *  indicator 

Compares the character array pointed to by src to the character array pointed to by dest for dmax characters.

The null terminator does not stop the comparison.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string dest
[in]srcpointer to the string to be compared to dest
[out]indicatorpointer to result indicator, greater than 0, equal to 0 or less than 0, if the string pointed to by dest is greater than, equal to or less than the string pointed to by src respectively.
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
indicator shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR
indicator (when the return code is OK)
Return values
>0when dest greater than src
0when strings the same
<0when dest less than src
EOKwhen comparison is complete
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/indicator is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
See also
strcpyfld_s(), strcpyfldin_s(), strcpyfldout_s()

◆ strcpyfld_s()

EXTERN errno_t strcpyfld_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
rsize_t  slen 

The strcpyfld_s function copies slen characters from the character array pointed to by src into the character array pointed to by dest.

The copy operation does not stop on the null character as the function copies slen characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731-1, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string that will be replaced by src.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]srcpointer to the character array that will be copied to dest
[in]slenmaximum length of src
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
slen shall not equal zero before C11. Since C11 zero is allowed.
slen shall not exceed dmax
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and destmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR, then strcpyfld_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation
ESNULLPwhen dest/src is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0. Before C11 also with slen = 0
ESOVRLPwhen strings overlap
ESNOSPCwhen dmax < slen
See also
strcpyfldin_s(), strcpyfldout_s()

◆ strcpyfldin_s()

EXTERN errno_t strcpyfldin_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
rsize_t  slen 

The strcpyfldin_s function copies at most slen characters from the null terminated string pointed to by src into the fixed character array pointed to by dest.

The copy operation stops on the null character if encountered and then continues to fill the field with nulls up to dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731-1, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string that will be replaced by src.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]srcpointer to the null terminated string that will be copied into the character array pointed to by dest
[in]slenmaximum length of src
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
slen shall not equal zero before C11. Since C11 zero is allowed.
slen shall not exceed dmax
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR, then strcpyfldin_s nulls dest
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation
ESNULLPwhen dest/src is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0. Before C11 also with slen = 0
ESOVRLPwhen strings overlap
ESNOSPCwhen dmax < slen
See also
strcpyfld_s(), strcpyfldout_s(),

◆ strcpyfldout_s()

EXTERN errno_t strcpyfldout_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
rsize_t  slen 

The strcpyfldout_s function copies slen characters from the character array pointed to by src into the string pointed to by dest.

A null is included to properly termiante the dest string. The copy operation does not stop on the null character as function copies dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string that will be replaced by src.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]srcpointer to the character array to be copied to dest and null terminated.
[in]slenthe maximum number of characters that will be copied from the src field into the dest string.
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
slen shall not equal zero before C11. Since C11 zero is allowed.
slen shall not exceed dmax
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR, then strcpyfldout_s nulls dest
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation
ESNULLPwhen dest/src is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0. Before C11 also with slen = 0
ESOVRLPwhen strings overlap
ESNOSPCwhen dmax < slen
See also
strcpyfld_s(), strcpyfldin_s()

◆ strcspn_s()

EXTERN errno_t strcspn_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
rsize_t  slen,
rsize_t count 

This function computes the prefix length of the string pointed to by dest which consists entirely of characters that are excluded from the string pointed to by src.

The scanning stops at the first null in dest or after dmax characters. The exclusion string is checked to the null or after slen characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to determine the prefix
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string dest
[in]srcpointer to exclusion string
[in]slenrestricted maximum length of string src
[out]countpointer to a count variable that will be updated with the dest substring length
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
count shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR
Return values
EOKwhen operation is successful
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/count is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax/slen = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/slen > RSIZE_MAX_STR
See also
strspn_s(), strpbrk_s(), strstr_s()

◆ strfirstchar_s()

EXTERN errno_t strfirstchar_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
char  c,
char **  first 

This function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of character c in dest.

The scanning stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string
[in]ccharacter to locate
[out]firstreturned pointer to first occurrence of c
dest shall not be a null pointer.
first shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR
pointer to first occurence of c, NULL if not found
Return values
EOKwhen pointer to first occurrence is returned
ESNULLPwhen dst/first is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
See also
strlastchar_s(), strfirstdiff_s(), strfirstsame_s(), strlastdiff_s(), strlastsame_s(),

◆ strfirstdiff_s()

EXTERN errno_t strfirstdiff_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
rsize_t idx 

Returns the index of the first character that is different between dest and src.

Index is valid only for OK. The scanning stops at the first null in dest or src, or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string dest
[in]srcpointer to the string to be compared to dest
[out]idxpointer to returned index to first difference
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
indicator shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
idx to first difference, when the return code is OK
Return values
EOKwhen index to first diff is returned
ESNODIFFwhen no difference
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/idx is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
See also
strfirstchar_s(), strfirstsame_s(), strlastchar_s(), strlastdiff_s(), strlastsame_s()

◆ strisalphanumeric_s()

EXTERN bool strisalphanumeric_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

This function checks if the entire string contains alphanumerics.

The scanning stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string
dmaxmaximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
true when dest is alphanumeric
false when dest is not alphanumeric or an error occurred
See also
strisascii_s(), strisdigit_s(), strishex_s(), strislowercase_s(), strismixedcase_s(), strisuppercase_s()

◆ strisascii_s()

EXTERN bool strisascii_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

This function checks if the entire string contains ascii characters.

The scanning stops at the first null or at most dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string
dmaxmaximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
true when string is ascii
false when string contains one or more non-ascii or an error occurred
See also
strisalphanumeric_s(), strisdigit_s(), strishex_s(), strislowercase_s(), strismixedcase_s(), strisuppercase_s()

◆ strisdigit_s()

EXTERN bool strisdigit_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

This function checks that the entire string contains digits.

The scanning stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string
dmaxmaximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR..
true when string is digit
false when string is not digit or an error occurred
See also
strisalphanumeric_s(), strisascii_s(), strishex_s(), strislowercase_s(), strismixedcase_s(), strisuppercase_s()

◆ strishex_s()

EXTERN bool strishex_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

This function checks that the entire string contains hex characters.

The scanning stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string
dmaxmaximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
true when string is hex
false when string is not hex or an error occurred
See also
strisalphanumeric_s(), strisascii_s(), strisdigit_s(), strislowercase_s(), strismixedcase_s(), strisuppercase_s()

◆ strislowercase_s()

EXTERN bool strislowercase_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

This function checks if entire string is lowercase.

The scanning stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string
dmaxmaximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dest shall be a null terminated.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
true when string is lowercase
false when string is not lowercase or an error occurred
See also
strisalphanumeric_s(), strisascii_s(), strisdigit_s(), strishex_s(), strismixedcase_s(), strisuppercase_s()

◆ strismixedcase_s()

EXTERN bool strismixedcase_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

This function checks that the entire string is mixed case.

The scanning stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string
dmaxmaximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
true when string is mixed case
false when string is not mixed case or error
See also
strisalphanumeric_s(), strisascii_s(), strisdigit_s(), strishex_s(), strislowercase_s(), strisuppercase_s()

◆ strispassword_s()

EXTERN bool strispassword_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

This function validates the make-up of a password string.

-Password must have mininmum SAFE_STR_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH characters
-Password can have maximum SAFE_STR_PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH characters
-Password must have at least SAFE_STR_MIN_LOWERCASE lower case characters
-Password must have at least SAFE_STR_MIN_UPPERCASE upper case characters
-Password must have at least SAFE_STR_MIN_NUMBERS numbers
-Password must have at least SAFE_STR_MIN_SPECIALS special characters

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string
dmaxmaximum length of password string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dest shall not be unterminated
true when string has valid password makeup
false when string does not meet requirements or an error occurred
See also

◆ strisuppercase_s()

EXTERN bool strisuppercase_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

This function checks if entire string is uppercase The scanning stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string
dmaxmaximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
true when string is uppercase
false when string is not uppercase or an error occurred
See also
strisalphanumeric_s(), strisascii_s(), strisdigit_s(), strishex_s(), strislowercase_s(), strismixedcase_s(),

◆ strlastchar_s()

EXTERN errno_t strlastchar_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
char  c,
char **  last 

Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of character c in dest.

The scanning stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string
[in]ccharacter to locate
[out]lastreturned pointer to first occurrence of c
dest shall not be a null pointer.
last shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR
pointer to last occurence of c, NULL if not found
Return values
EOKwhen pointer to last occurrence is returned
ESNULLPwhen dst/first is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
See also
strfirstchar_s(), strfirstdiff_s(), strfirstsame_s(), strlastdiff_s(), strlastsame_s()

◆ strlastdiff_s()

EXTERN errno_t strlastdiff_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
rsize_t idx 

Returns the index of the last character that is different between dest and src.

Index is valid only for EOK. The scanning stops at the first null in dest or src, or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string dest
[in]srcpointer to the string to be compared to dest
[out]idxpointer to returned index to last difference
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
indicator shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
index to last difference, when the return code is OK
Return values
EOKwhen idx to last diff is returned
ESNODIFFwhen no difference
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/idx is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
See also
strfirstchar_s(), strfirstdiff_s(), strfirstsame_s(), strlastchar_s(), strlastsame_s()

◆ strljustify_s()

EXTERN errno_t strljustify_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

Removes beginning whitespace from the string pointed to by dest by shifting the text left over writting the beginning whitespace, left justifying the text.

The left justified text is null terminated. The text is shifted so the original pointer can continue to be used.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG14 N1172, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string to left justify
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR
dest shall be null terminated
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation
ESNULLPwhen dest is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESUNTERMwhen dest was not null terminated
See also

◆ strnterminate_s()

EXTERN rsize_t strnterminate_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

The strnterminate_s function will terminate the string if a null is not encountered before dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731-1, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string
dmaxmaximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
The function returns a terminated string. If a null is not encountered prior to dmax characters, the dmax character is set to null terminating the string. The string length is also returned.
See also

◆ strpbrk_s()

EXTERN errno_t strpbrk_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
char *  src,
rsize_t  slen,
char **  first 

Returns a pointer, first, to the first ocurrence of any character in src which is contained in dest.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string to compare against
dmaxrestricted maximum length of string dest
srcpointer to the string
slenrestricted length of string src
firstreturned pointer to first occurence
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
Neither dmax nor slen shall not be 0.
Neither dmax nor slen shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
pointer to the first ocurrence of any character contained in src
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/first is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax/slen = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/slen > RSIZE_MAX_STR
See also
strfirstchar_s(), strlastchar_s(), strfirstdiff_s(), strfirstsame_s(), strlastdiff_s(), strlastsame_s()

◆ strfirstsame_s()

EXTERN errno_t strfirstsame_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
rsize_t idx 

Returns the index of the first character that is the same between dest and src.

The scanning stops at the fisrt null in dest or src, or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string dest
[in]srcpointer to the string to be compared to dest
[out]idxpointer to returned index
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
indicator shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
idx to first same char, when the return code is OK
Return values
EOKwhen idx to first same char is returned
ESNULLPwhen dst/src/idx is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESNOTFNDwhen not found
See also
strfirstchar_s(), strfirstdiff_s(), strlastchar_s(), strlastdiff_s(), strlastsame_s()

◆ strlastsame_s()

EXTERN errno_t strlastsame_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
rsize_t idx 

Returns the index of the last character that is the same between dest and src.

The scanning stops at the first nul in dest or src, or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string dest
[in]srcpointer to the string to be compared to dest
[out]idxpointer to returned index
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
indicator shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
index to last same char, when the return code is OK
Return values
EOKwhen index to last same char is returned
ESNULLPwhen dst/src/idx is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESNOTFNDwhen not found
See also
strfirstchar_s(), strfirstdiff_s(), strfirstsame_s(), strlastchar_s(), strlastdiff_s()

◆ strprefix_s()

EXTERN errno_t strprefix_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src 

Determines if the prefix pointed to by src is at the beginning of string pointed to by dest.

The prefix must be a complete match in dest. Useful for command or user input parsing. The scanning stops at the first null in dest or src, or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731-1, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to string to compare against
dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
srcpointer to the prefix
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
Neither dmax nor slen shall not be 0.
Neither dmax nor slen shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation, substring found.
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/substring is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax/slen = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/slen > RSIZE_MAX_STR
ESNOTFNDwhen prefix not found in dest
See also
strspn_s(), strcspn_s(), strpbrk_s(), strstr_s()

◆ strremovews_s()

EXTERN errno_t strremovews_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

Removes beginning and trailing whitespace from the string pointed to by dest by shifting the text left over writting the beginning whitespace (space or tab).

The shifted-trimmed text is null terminated. The text is shifted so the original pointer can continue to be used. This is useful when the memory was malloc'ed and will need to be freed.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string to left justify
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR
dest shall be null terminated
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation
ESNULLPwhen dest is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESUNTERMwhen dest was not null terminated
See also

◆ strspn_s()

EXTERN errno_t strspn_s ( const char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
rsize_t  slen,
rsize_t count 

This function computes the prefix length of the string pointed to by dest which consists entirely of characters that are included from the string pointed to by src.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to determine the prefix
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string dest
[in]srcpointer to exclusion string
[in]slenrestricted maximum length of string src
[out]countpointer to a count variable that will be updated with the dest substring length
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
count shall not be a null pointer.
Neither dmax nor slen shall not be 0.
Neither dmax nor slen shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation, substring found.
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/substring is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax/slen = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/slen > RSIZE_MAX_STR
See also
strcspn_s(), strpbrk_s(), strstr_s(), strprefix_s()

◆ strstr_s()

EXTERN errno_t strstr_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *  src,
rsize_t  slen,
char **  substring 

The strstr_s() function locates the first occurrence of the substring pointed to by src which would be located in the string pointed to by dest.

  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to be searched for the substring
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest string
[in]srcpointer to the sub string
[in]slenthe maximum number of characters to use from src
[out]substringthe returned substring pointer
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
Neither dmax nor slen shall not be 0.
Neither dmax nor slen shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation, substring found.
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/substring is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax/slen = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/slen > RSIZE_MAX_STR
ESNOTFNDwhen substring not found
See also
strprefix_s(), strspn_s(), strcspn_s(), strpbrk_s()

◆ strchr_s()

EXTERN errno_t strchr_s ( const char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const int  ch,
char **  result 

Finds the first occurrence of ch (after conversion to char as if by (char)ch) in the null-terminated byte string pointed to by dest (each character interpreted as unsigned char).

The terminating null character is considered to be a part of the string and can be found when searching for '\0'.

[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]chcharacter to search for
[out]resultpointer to char* in dest
Neither dest nor result shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
ch shall not be greater than 255
Return values
EOKwhen successfully character found.
ESNULLPwhen dest/result is a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESLEMAXwhen ch > 255
ESNOTFNDwhen ch not found in dest
See also
memchr_s(), strspn_s(), strcspn_s(), strpbrk_s(), strstr_s()

◆ strrchr_s()

EXTERN errno_t strrchr_s ( const char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const int  ch,
char **  result 

Finds the last occurrence of ch (after conversion to char as if by (char)ch) in the null-terminated byte string pointed to by dest (each character interpreted as unsigned char).

The terminating null character is considered to be a part of the string and can be found when searching for '\0'. Unlike strrchr() it honors dmax as maximal string length.

[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]chcharacter to search for
[out]resultpointer to char* in dest
Neither dest nor result shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
ch shall not be greater than 255
Return values
EOKwhen successfully character found.
ESNULLPwhen dest/result is a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0 or strnlen_s = 0
ESLEMAXwhen ch > 255
ESNOTFNDwhen ch not found in dest
See also
memrchr_s(), strchr_s(), memchr_s(), strspn_s(), strstr_s()

◆ strtolowercase_s()

EXTERN errno_t strtolowercase_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

Scans the string converting uppercase characters to lowercase, leaving all other characters unchanged.

The scanning stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string
[in]dmaxmaximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation
ESNULLPwhen dest is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
See also

◆ strtouppercase_s()

EXTERN errno_t strtouppercase_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

Scans the string converting lowercase characters to uppercase, leaving all other characters unchanged.

The scanning stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string
[in]dmaxmaximum length of string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation
ESNULLPwhen dest is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0

ALSO SEE strtolowercase_s()

◆ strzero_s()

EXTERN errno_t strzero_s ( char *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

Nulls maximal dmax characters of dest.

This function can be used to clear strings that contained sensitive data, until the terminating NULL character. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to string that will be nulled.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation
ESNULLPwhen dest is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
See also

◆ strcoll_s()

EXTERN errno_t strcoll_s ( const char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *restrict  src,
int *  indicator 

Compares two null-terminated byte strings according to the current locale as defined by the LC_COLLATE category.

Collation order is the dictionary order: the position of the letter in the national alphabet (its equivalence class) has higher priority than its case or variant. Within an equivalence class, lowercase characters collate before their uppercase equivalents and locale-specific order may apply to the characters with diacritics. In some locales, groups of characters compare as single collation units. For example, "ch" in Czech follows "h" and precedes "i", and "dzs" in Hungarian follows "dz" and precedes "g".

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG14 N1172, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of string dest
[in]srcpointer to the string to be compared to dest
[out]indicatorpointer to result indicator, greater than 0, equal to 0 or less than 0, if the string pointed to by dest is greater than, equal to or less than the string pointed to by src respectively.
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
indicator shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be 0
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR
indicator (when the return code is OK)
Return values
>0when dest greater than src
0when strings the same
<0when dest less than src
EOKwhen comparison is complete
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/indicator is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
See also
wcscoll_s(), strcmp_s(), strcasecmp_s()

◆ strset_s()

EXTERN errno_t strset_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
int  value 

Sets maximal dmax characters of dest to a character value, but not the final NULL character.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled.

  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
  • Implemented in the Windows secure API as _strset_s()
[out]deststring that will be set.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]valuecharacter value to write
dest shall not be a null pointer, and shall be null-terminated.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
value shall not be greater than 255
Return values
EOKwhen successful
ESNULLPwhen dest is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax > RSIZE_MAX_STR or value > 255
See also
strzero_s(), strnset_s(), strispassword_s()

◆ strnset_s()

EXTERN errno_t strnset_s ( char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
int  value,
rsize_t  n 

Sets maximal n characters of dest to a character value, but not the final NULL character.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled.

  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
  • Implemented in the Windows secure API as _strnset_s()
[out]deststring that will be set.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]valuecharacter value to write
[in]nnumber of characters to be written
dest shall not be a null pointer, and shall be null-terminated.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
n shall not be greater than dmax
value shall not be greater than 255
Return values
EOKwhen successful
ESNULLPwhen dest is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax > RSIZE_MAX_STR or value > 255
ESNOSPCwhen n > dmax
See also
strzero_s(), strset_s(), wcsnset_s(), strispassword_s()

◆ mbstowcs_s()

EXTERN errno_t mbstowcs_s ( size_t *restrict  retval,
wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char *restrict  src,
rsize_t  len 

◆ mbsrtowcs_s()

EXTERN errno_t mbsrtowcs_s ( size_t *restrict  retval,
wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const char **restrict  src,
rsize_t  len,
mbstate_t *restrict  ps 

Does not permit the ps parameter (the pointer to the conversion state) to be a null pointer.

The restartable mbsrtowcs_s function converts a null-terminated multibyte character sequence from the current LC_CTYPE locale to wchar, which begins in the conversion state described by *ps, from the array whose first element is pointed to by *src to its wide character representation. If dest is not null, converted characters are stored in the successive elements of the wchar_t array pointed to by dest. No more than len wide characters are written to the destination array. Each multibyte character is converted as if by a call to mbrtowc. mbsrtowcs_s clobbers the destination array from the terminating null and until dmax. In extension to mbstowc_s you can re-use the state via ps. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined the rest is cleared with 0.

The conversion stops if:

  • The multibyte null character was converted and stored. *src is set to NULL and *ps represents the initial shift state.
  • An invalid multibyte character (according to the current C locale) was encountered. *src is set to point at the beginning of the first unconverted multibyte character.
  • the next wide character to be stored would exceed len. *src is set to point at the beginning of the first unconverted multibyte character. This condition is not checked if dest==NULL.
  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The mbsrtowcs_s function (p: 648-649)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]retvalpointer to a size_t object where the result will be stored
[out]destpointer to wide character array where the results will be stored
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]srcpointer to the string that will be copied to dest
[in]lenmaximal number of wide characters to be copied to dest
[in]pspointer to the conversion state object
retval, ps, src, or *src shall not be a null pointer.
dmax and len shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR (unless dest is null).
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall be greater than wcsnlen_s(src, dmax).
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR, then mbsrtowcs_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKon successful conversion.
ESNULLPwhen retval, ps, src or *src are a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0, unless dest is NULL
ESLEMAXwhen dmax > RSIZE_MAX_WSTR, unless dest is NULL
ESOVRLPwhen src and dest overlap
ESNOSPCwhen there is no null character in the first dmax multibyte characters in the *src array and len is greater than dmax (unless dest is null)
See also

◆ wcsrtombs_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsrtombs_s ( size_t *restrict  retval,
char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t **restrict  src,
rsize_t  len,
mbstate_t *restrict  ps 

Does not permit the ps parameter (the pointer to the conversion state) to be a null pointer.

The restartable wcsrtombs_s function converts a sequence of wide characters from the array whose first element is pointed to by *src to to its narrow multibyte representation from the current LC_CTYPE locale that begins in the conversion state described by *ps. If dest is not null, converted characters are stored in the successive elements of dest. No more than len bytes written to the destination array. Each wide character is converted as if by a call to wcrtomb. wcsrtombs_s clobbers the destination array from the terminating null and until dmax. In extension to wcstombs_s you can re-use the state via ps.

The conversion stops if:

  • The wide null character L'\0' was converted and stored. The bytes stored in this case are the unshift sequence (if necessary) followed by '\0', *src is set to NULL and *ps represents the initial shift state.
  • A wchar_t was found that does not correspond to a valid character in the current LC_CTYPE locale. *src is set to point at the first unconverted wide character.
  • the next multibyte character to be stored would exceed len. *src is set to point at the beginning of the first unconverted wide character. This condition is not checked if dst==NULL.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled. Also in the error cases for src = NULL, *src = NULL, ESNOSPC and EILSEQ.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The wcsrtombs_s function (p: 649-650)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]retvalpointer to a size_t object where the result will be stored
[out]destpointer to character array where the result will be stored
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]srcpointer to the wide string that will be copied to dest
[in]lennumber of bytes available in dest
[in]pspointer to the conversion state object
retval, ps, src, or *src shall not be a null pointer.
dmax and len shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR (unless dest is null).
dmax shall not equal zero (unless dest is null).
dmax shall be greater than len.
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR, then wcsrtombs_s nulls dest. Then the number of bytes excluding terminating zero that were, or would be written to dest, is stored in *retval.
Return values
EOKon successful conversion.
ESNULLPwhen retval, ps, src or *src are a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0, unless dest is NULL
ESLEMAXwhen dmax > RSIZE_MAX_STR, unless dest is NULL
ESOVRLPwhen src and dest overlap
ESNOSPCwhen there is no null character in the first dmax multibyte characters in the *src array and len is greater than dmax (unless dest is null)
EILSEQif returned by wctomb()
See also
wcrtomb_s(), wcstombs_s()

◆ wcstombs_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcstombs_s ( size_t *restrict  retval,
char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t  len 

The wcstombs_s function converts a sequence of wide characters from the array whose first element is pointed to by src to to its narrow multibyte representation from the current LC_CTYPE locale.

If dest is not null, converted characters are stored in the successive elements of dest. No more than len bytes are written to the destination array. Each wide character is converted as if by a call to wcrtomb. wcstombs_s clobbers the destination array from the terminating null and until dmax.

The conversion stops if:

  • The wide null character L'\0' was converted and stored. The bytes stored in this case are the unshift sequence (if necessary) followed by '\0'.
  • A wchar_t was found that does not correspond to a valid character in the current LC_CTYPE locale.
  • the next multibyte character to be stored would exceed len. This condition is not checked if dst==NULL.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled. Also in the error cases for src = NULL, ESNOSPC and EILSEQ.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The wcstombs_s function (p: 612-613)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]retvalthe number of characters converted
[out]destbuffer for the resulting converted multibyte character string
[in]dmaxThe size in bytes of dest
[in]srcwide string that will be converted to dest
[in]lennumber of bytes to be stored in dest, not including the terminating null character.
retval and src shall not be a null pointer.
dmax and len shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR (unless dest is null).
dmax shall not equal zero (unless dest is null).
dmax shall be greater than len.
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR, then wcstombs_s nulls dest. Then the number of bytes excluding terminating zero that were, or would be written to dest, is stored in *retval.
Return values
EOKon successful conversion.
ESNULLPwhen retval or src are a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0, unless dest is NULL
ESLEMAXwhen dmax > RSIZE_MAX_STR, unless dest is NULL
ESOVRLPwhen src and dest overlap
ESNOSPCwhen there is no null character in the first dmax multibyte characters in the src array and len is greater than dmax (unless dest is null)
EILSEQif returned by wcstombs()
See also

◆ wcrtomb_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcrtomb_s ( size_t *restrict  retval,
char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
wchar_t  wc,
mbstate_t *restrict  ps 

Does not permit the ps parameter (the pointer to the conversion state) to be a null pointer.

The restartable wcrtomb_s function converts a single wide character to its narrow multibyte representation from the current LC_CTYPE locale that begins in the conversion state described by *ps. If dest is not null, the converted multibyte characters are stored in dest. Max. MB_CUR_MAX will be written to dest.

If dest is a null pointer, the call is equivalent to wcrtomb_s(&retval, buf, sizeof buf, L'\0', ps) with internal variables retval and buf (whose size is greater than MB_CUR_MAX).

If wc is the null wide character L'\0', a null byte is stored, preceded by any shift sequence necessary to restore the initial shift state and the conversion state parameter *ps is updated to represent the initial shift state.

If the environment macro STDC_ISO_10646 is defined, the values of type wchar_t are the same as the short identifiers of the characters in the Unicode required set (typically UTF-32 encoding); otherwise, it is implementation-defined. In any case, the multibyte character encoding used by this function is specified by the currently active C locale.

If the environment macro STDC_MB_MIGHT_NEQ_WC is defined, then for members of the basic character set multibyte-character encoding might not equal wide-character encoding (non-ASCII-based systems, such as EBCDIC-based systems, may use Unicode for their wide character encoding and still be conforming). ASCII-based systems with STDC_ISO_10646 defined leave STDC_MB_MIGHT_NEQ_WC undefined.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The wcrtomb_s function (p: 647-648)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]retvalpointer to a size_t object where the result will be stored
[out]destpointer to bytes where the result will be stored
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]wcthe wide character to convert
[in]pspointer to the conversion state object
retval and ps shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR (unless dest is null).
dmax shall not equal zero (unless dest is null).
dmax must be zero if dest is null.
Returns zero on success and non-zero on failure, in which case, dest[0] is set to '\0' (unless dest is null or dmax is zero or greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR) and *retval is set to (size_t)-1 (unless retval is null).
Return values
EOKon successful conversion.
ESNULLPwhen retval or ps are a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0, unless dest is NULL
ESLEMAXwhen dmax > RSIZE_MAX_STR, unless dest is NULL
ESNOSPCwhen dmax is smaller than the number of required bytes
See also

◆ wctomb_s()

EXTERN errno_t wctomb_s ( int *restrict  retval,
char *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
wchar_t  wc 

The wctomb_s function converts a single wide character to its narrow multibyte representation from the current LC_CTYPE locale.

If dest is not null, the converted multibyte characters are stored in dest. Max. MB_CUR_MAX will be written to dest.

If dest is a null pointer, the call is equivalent to wcrtomb_s(&retval, buf, sizeof buf, L'\0', ps) with internal variables retval and buf (whose size is greater than MB_CUR_MAX).

If the environment macro STDC_ISO_10646 is defined, the values of type wchar_t are the same as the short identifiers of the characters in the Unicode required set (typically UTF-32 encoding); otherwise, it is implementation-defined. In any case, the multibyte character encoding used by this function is specified by the currently active C locale.

If the environment macro STDC_MB_MIGHT_NEQ_WC is defined, then for members of the basic character set multibyte-character encoding might not equal wide-character encoding (non-ASCII-based systems, such as EBCDIC-based systems, may use Unicode for their wide character encoding and still be conforming). ASCII-based systems with STDC_ISO_10646 defined leave STDC_MB_MIGHT_NEQ_WC undefined.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled. Also in the error cases for ESNOSPC and EILSEQ.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The wctomb_s function (p: 610-611)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]retvalpointer to a size_t object where the result will be stored
[out]destpointer to bytes where the result will be stored
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]wcthe wide character to convert
retval shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR (unless dest is null).
dmax shall not equal zero (unless dest is null).
dmax must be zero if dest is null.
Returns zero on success and non-zero on failure, in which case, dest[0] is set to '\0' (unless dest is null or dmax is zero or greater than RSIZE_MAX_STR) and *retval is set to (size_t)-1 (unless retval is null).
Return values
EOKon successful conversion.
ESNULLPwhen retval is a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0, unless dest is NULL
ESLEMAXwhen dmax > RSIZE_MAX_STR, unless dest is NULL
ESNOSPCwhen dmax is smaller than the number of required bytes
EILSEQif returned by wctomb()
See also

◆ wcsnlen_s()

EXTERN size_t wcsnlen_s ( const wchar_t *  dest,
rsize_t  dmax 

The wcsnlen_s function computes the length of the wide string pointed to by dest.

SPECIFIED IN ISO/IEC TR 24731-1, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
destpointer to wide string
dmaxmaximum length of wide string
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
The function returns the wide string length, excluding the terminating null character. If dest is NULL, then wcsnlen_s returns 0. Otherwise, the wcsnlen_s function returns the number of wide characters that precede the terminating null character. If there is no null character in the first dmax characters of dest then wcsnlen_s returns dmax. At most the first dmax characters of dest are accessed by wcsnlen_s.
See also
strnlen_s(), strnterminate_s()

◆ wcscpy_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcscpy_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  src 

The wcscpy_s function copies the string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) into the array pointed to by dest.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written by wcscpy_s in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled when wcscpy_s returns.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The wcscpy_s function (p: 639)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to wide string that will be replaced by src.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]srcpointer to the wide string that will be copied to dest
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall be greater than wcsnlen_s(src, dmax).
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR, then wcscpy_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation, the wide characters in src were copied into dest and the result is null terminated.
-ESNULLPwhen dest or src is a NULL pointer
-ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
-ESOVRLPwhen buffers overlap
-ESNOSPCwhen dest < src
See also
wcsncpy(), wmemcpy(), wmemmove(), strncpy_s()

◆ wcsncpy_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsncpy_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t  slen 

The wcsncpy_s function copies the wide string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) into the wide string pointed to by dest.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written by wcsncpy_s in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled when wcsncpy_s returns.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The wcsncpy_s function (p: 639)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to wide string that will be replaced by src.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]srcpointer to the wide string that will be copied to dest
[in]slenmaximum number of wide characters to copy
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
If slen is either greater than or equal to dmax, then dmax should be more than wcsnlen_s(src,dmax) to avoid truncation.
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR, then wcsncpy_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation, the wide characters in src were copied into dest and the result is null terminated.
ESNULLPwhen dest or src is a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0. Before C11 also with slen = 0
ESOVRLPwhen buffers overlap
ESNOSPCwhen dest < src
See also
wcscpy_s(), strncpy_s(), wmemcpy_s(), wmemmove_s()

◆ wcscat_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcscat_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  src 

The wcscat_s function appends a copy of the wide string pointed to by src (including the terminating null character) to the end of the wide string pointed to by dest.

The initial wide character from src overwrites the null character at the end of dest.

All elements following the terminating null wide character (if any) written by wcscat_s in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest take unspecified values when wcscat_s returns. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined the rest is cleared with 0.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The wcscat_s function (p: 617-618)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to wide string that will be extended by src if dmax allows. The wide string is null terminated. If the resulting concatenated wide string is less than dmax, the remaining slack space is nulled.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of the resulting dest, including the null
[in]srcpointer to the wide string that will be concatenaed to string dest
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer
dmax shall not equal zero
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR
dmax shall be greater than wcsnlen_s(src,m).
Copying shall not take place between objects that overlap
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR, then wcscat_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation, all the wide characters from src were appended to dest and the result in dest is null terminated.
ESNULLPwhen dest or src is a NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESUNTERMwhen dest not terminated in the first dmax wide characters
ESOVRLPwhen src overlaps with dest
See also
wcscat_s(), strcpy_s(), strncpy_s()

◆ wcsncat_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsncat_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t  slen 

The wcsncat_s function appends a copy of the wide string pointed to by src (including the terminating null wide character) to the end of the wide string pointed to by dest.

The initial character from src overwrites the null wide character at the end of dest.

All elements following the terminating null wide character (if any) written by wcsncat_s in the array of dmax wide characters pointed to by dest take unspecified values when wcsncat_s returns. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined the rest is cleared with 0.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The wcsncat_s function (p: 618-620)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[out]destpointer to wide string that will be extended by src if dmax allows. The string is null terminated. If the resulting concatenated wide string is less than dmax, the remaining slack space is nulled.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of the resulting dest, including the null
[in]srcpointer to the wide string that will be concatenaed to string dest
[in]slenmaximum wide characters to append
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer
dmax shall not equal zero
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR
dmax shall be greater than wcsnlen_s(src,m).
Copying shall not takeplace between objects that overlap
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR, then wcsncat_s sets dest[0] to the 0 wide character.
Return values
EOKsuccessful operation, all the wide characters from src null terminated.
ESNULLPwhen dest/src is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/slen > RSIZE_MAX_WSTR
ESUNTERMwhen dest not terminated
ESOVRLPwhen src overlaps with dest
See also
wcscat_s(), strncat_s()

◆ wcstok_s()

EXTERN wchar_t* wcstok_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t *restrict  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  delim,
wchar_t **restrict  ptr 

A sequence of calls to the wcstok_s function breaks the string pointed to by dest into a sequence of tokens, each of which is delimited by a character from the string pointed to by delim.

The fourth argument points to a caller-provided char pointer into which the wcstok_s function stores information necessary for it to continue scanning the same string.

The first call in a sequence has a non-null first argument and dmax points to an object whose value is the number of elements in the character array pointed to by the first argument. The first call stores an initial value in the object pointed to by ptr and updates the value pointed to by dmax to reflect the number of elements that remain in relation to ptr. Subsequent calls in the sequence have a null first argument and the objects pointed to by dmax and ptr are required to have the values stored by the previous call in the sequence, which are then updated. The separator string pointed to by delim may be different from call to call.

The first call in the sequence searches the string pointed to by dest for the first character that is not contained in the current separator string pointed to by delim. If no such character is found, then there are no tokens in the string pointed to by dest and the wcstok_s function returns a null pointer. If such a character is found, it is the start of the first token.

The wcstok_s function then searches from there for the first character in dest that is contained in the current separator string. If no such character is found, the current token extends to the end of the string pointed to by dest, and subsequent searches in the same string for a token return a null pointer. If such a character is found, it is overwritten by a null character, which terminates the current token.

In all cases, the wcstok_s function stores sufficient information in the pointer pointed to by ptr so that subsequent calls, with a null pointer for dest and the unmodified pointer value for ptr, shall start searching just past the element overwritten by a null character (if any).

delim uses a STRTOK_DELIM_MAX_LEN of 16.

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): K. The wcstok_s function (p: 620-621)
  • ISO/IEC TR 24731-1, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destpointer to string to tokenize
[out]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest string
[in]delimpointer to delimiter string (len < 255)
[out]ptrreturned pointer to token
delim shall not be a null pointer.
ptr shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be a null pointer.
*dmax shall not be 0.
If dest is a null pointer, then *ptr shall not be a null pointer.
dest must not be unterminated.
The value of *dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR. The end of the token found shall occur within the first *dmax characters of dest for the first call, and shall occur within the first *dmax characters of where searching resumes on subsequent calls.
delim must not be longer than STRTOK_DELIM_MAX_LEN (default: 16).
The mingw MINGW_HAS_SECURE_API declares it without the dmax argument and without restrict. Skip it there. wchar_t* wcstok_s(wchar_t *str, const wchar_t *delim, wchar_t **next_token)
The wcstok_s function returns a pointer to the first character of a token; or a null pointer if there is no token or there is a runtime-constraint violation. Each call modifies dest by substituting a wide NULL character for the first delimiter that occurs after the returned token. If there is a runtime-constraint violation, the strtok_s function does not indirect through the dest/delim pointers, and does not store a value in the object pointed to by ptr.

errno is set to: ESNULLP when dest/delim/ptr is NULL pointer ESZEROL when *dmax = 0 ESLEMAX when *dmax > RSIZE_MAX_WSTR ESUNTERM when unterminated string C11 just returns EINVAL

Example to demonstrate usage of wcstok_s() to tokenize a string
// Approach1: sequential wcstok_s() calls
str1 = L",.:*one,two;three,;four*.*.five-six***"; // String to tokenize
len = 38;
str2 = L",.;*"; // String of delimiters
p2tok = wcstok_s(str1, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: one, remaining: two;three,;four*.*.five-six***, len: 30
p2tok = wcstok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: two, remaining: three,;four*.*.five-six***, len: 26
p2tok = wcstok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: three, remaining: ;four*.*.five-six***, len: 20
p2tok = wcstok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: four, remaining .*.five-six***, len: 14
p2tok = wcstok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: five-six, remaining: **, len: 2
p2tok = wcstok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
// token: (null), remaining: **, len: 0
// Approach2: Use of while loop with same entry data as used above
p2tok = str1;
while (p2tok && len)
p2tok = wcstok_s(NULL, &len, str2, &p2str);
printf(" token -- remaining -- len=0 \n", p2tok, p2str, (int)len );

◆ swprintf_s()

EXTERN int swprintf_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,

The swprintf_s function composes a wide string with same test that would be printed if format was used on wprintf.

Instead of being printed, the content is stored in dest. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written by swprintf_s in the array of dmax wide characters pointed to by dest are nulled when swprintf_s returns.

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vswprintf call fails, errno is set.
[out]destpointer to wide string that will be written into.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[in]...optional arguments
Neither dest nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall be greater than wcsnlen_s(dest, dmax).
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
While narrow strings provide snprintf, which makes it possible to determine the required output buffer size, there is no equivalent for wide strings (until C11's swprintf_s), and in order to determine the buffer size, the program may need to call swprintf, check the result value, and reallocate a larger buffer, trying again until successful.
If no runtime-constraint violation occurred, the swprintf_s function returns the number of wide characters written in the array, not counting the terminating null wide character. If an encoding error occurred or if n or more wide characters are requested to be written, swprintf_s returns a negative value. If any other runtime-constraint violation occurred, swprintf_s returns zero, and sets errno.
If the buffer dest is too small for the formatted text, including the terminating null, then the buffer is set to an empty string by placing a null wide character at dest[0], and the invalid parameter handler is invoked.

errno: ESNULLP when dest/fmt is NULL pointer ESZEROL when dmax = 0 ESLEMAX when dmax > RSIZE_MAX_WSTR ESNOSPC when return value exceeds dmax EINVAL when fmt contains n

Return values
-1if an encoding error occurred or if n or more wide characters are requested to be written.
0on some other error
See also
vswprintf_s(), snwprintf_s(), vsnprintf_s()

◆ vswprintf_s()

EXTERN int vswprintf_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vswprintf_s function composes a wide string with same test that would be printed if format was used on wprintf.

Instead of being printed, the content is stored in dest. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written by vswprintf_s in the array of dmax wide characters pointed to by dest are nulled when vswprintf_s returns.

[out]destpointer to wide string that will be written into.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[in]apoptional arguments
Neither dest nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall be greater than wcsnlen_s(dest, dmax).
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
If no runtime-constraint violation occurred, the vswprintf_s function returns the number of wide characters written in the array, not counting the terminating null wide character. If an encoding error occurred or if n or more wide characters are requested to be written, vswprintf_s returns a negative value. If any other runtime-constraint violation occurred, vswprintf_s returns zero.
If the buffer dest is too small for the formatted text, including the terminating null, then the buffer is set to an empty string by placing a null wide character at dest[0], and the invalid parameter handler is invoked. Unlike vsnprintf, vswprintf_s guarantees that the buffer will be null-terminated unless the buffer size is zero.

errno: ESNULLP when dest/fmt is NULL pointer ESZEROL when dmax = 0 ESLEMAX when dmax > RSIZE_MAX_WSTR ESNOSPC when return value exceeds dmax EINVAL when fmt contains n EINVAL or EOVERFLOW if returned by vswprintf

Return values
-1if an encoding error occurred or if n or more wide characters are requested to be written.
0on some other error.
See also
sprintf_s(), vsnprintf_s()

◆ snwprintf_s()

EXTERN int snwprintf_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,

The truncating snwprintf_s function composes a wide string with same test that would be printed if format was used on wprintf.

Instead of being printed, the content is stored in dest. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written by snwprintf_s in the array of dmax wide characters pointed to by dest are nulled when snwprintf_s returns. Warning: Unlike the safe variant swprintf_s, snwprintf_s does not guarantee that the buffer will be null-terminated unless the buffer size is zero.

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vswprintf or vsnwprintf call fails, errno is set.
[out]destpointer to wide string that will be written into.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[in]...optional arguments
Neither dest nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall be greater than wcsnlen_s(dest, dmax).
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
While narrow strings provide snprintf, which makes it possible to determine the required output buffer size, there is no equivalent for wide strings (until C11's snwprintf_s), and in order to determine the buffer size, the program may need to call swprintf, check the result value, and reallocate a larger buffer, trying again until successful.
snwprintf_s, unlike swprintf_s, will truncate the result to fit within the array pointed to by buffer, even though truncation is treated as an error by most bounds-checked functions.
On success the total number of wide characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned.
If the buffer dest is too small for the formatted text, including the terminating null, then the buffer is set to an empty string by placing a null wide character at dest[0], and the invalid parameter handler is invoked. Unlike snwprintf_s, swprintf_s guarantees that the buffer will be null-terminated unless the buffer size is zero.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen dest/fmt is NULL pointer
-ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
-ESNOSPCwhen return value exceeds dmax
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
-1on some other error. errno is set then
See also
vswprintf_s(), swprintf_s(), vsnprintf_s()

◆ vsnwprintf_s()

EXTERN int vsnwprintf_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The truncating vsnwprintf_s function composes a wide string with same test that would be printed if format was used on wprintf.

Instead of being printed, the content is stored in dest. With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written by vsnwprintf_s in the array of dmax wide characters pointed to by dest are nulled when vsnwprintf_s returns. Warning: Unlike the safe variant vswprintf_s, vsnwprintf_s does not guarantee that the buffer will be null-terminated unless the buffer size is zero.

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vswprintf or vsnwprintf call fails, errno is set.
[out]destpointer to wide string that will be written into.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[in]apoptional arguments
Neither dest nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
dmax shall not equal zero.
dmax shall be greater than wcsnlen_s(dest, dmax).
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
While narrow strings provide snprintf, which makes it possible to determine the required output buffer size, there is no equivalent for wide strings (until C11's snwprintf_s), and in order to determine the buffer size, the program may need to call swprintf, check the result value, and reallocate a larger buffer, trying again until successful.
snwprintf_s, unlike swprintf_s, will truncate the result to fit within the array pointed to by buffer, even though truncation is treated as an error by most bounds-checked functions.
On success the total number of wide characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned.
If the buffer dest is too small for the formatted text, including the terminating null, then the buffer is set to an empty string by placing a null wide character at dest[0], and the invalid parameter handler is invoked. Unlike vsnwprintf, vswprintf_s guarantees that the buffer will be null-terminated unless the buffer size is zero.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen dest/fmt is NULL pointer
-ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
-1on some other error. errno is set then
See also
vswprintf_s(), snwprintf_s(), vsnprintf_s()

◆ wprintf_s()

EXTERN int wprintf_s ( const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,

The wprintf_s function prints formatted output to stdout as wide string.

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vwprintf call fails, errno is set.
[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[in]...optional arguments
fmt shall not be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
On success the total number of wide characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned, and possibly errno set to EINVAL or EOVERFLOW.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen fmt is NULL pointer
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
-1some other error. errno: EINVAL or EOVERFLOW
See also
vwfprintf_s(), fwprintf_s()

◆ vwprintf_s()

EXTERN int vwprintf_s ( const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vwprintf_s function prints formatted output to stdout as wide string.

[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[in]apoptional arguments
fmt shall not be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
On success the total number of wide characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned, and possibly errno set to EINVAL or EOVERFLOW.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen fmt is NULL pointer
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
-1some other error. errno: EINVAL or EOVERFLOW
See also
vwfprintf_s(), wprintf_s()

◆ fwprintf_s()

EXTERN int fwprintf_s ( FILE *restrict  stream,
const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,

The fwprintf_s function prints formatted output to a wide stream.

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vfwprintf call fails, errno is set.
[in]streamoutput wide stream to write to
[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[in]...optional arguments
fmt shall not be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
On success the total number of wide characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned, and possibly errno set to EINVAL or EOVERFLOW.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen fmt is NULL pointer
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
-1some other error. errno: EINVAL or EOVERFLOW
See also
vwfprintf_s(), wprintf_s()

◆ vfwprintf_s()

EXTERN int vfwprintf_s ( FILE *restrict  stream,
const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vfwprintf_s function prints formatted output to a wide stream.

POSIX specifies that errno is set on error. However, the safeclib extended ES* errors do not set errno, only when the underlying system vfwprintf call fails, errno is set.
[in]streamoutput wide stream to write to
[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[in]apoptional arguments
Neither stream nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
On success the total number of wide characters written is returned.
On failure a negative number is returned, and possibly errno set to EINVAL or EOVERFLOW.
Return values
-ESNULLPwhen stream or fmt is a NULL pointer
-EINVALwhen fmt contains n
-1some other error. errno: EINVAL or EOVERFLOW
See also
vfwscanf_s(), fwprintf_s()

◆ swscanf_s()

EXTERN int swscanf_s ( const wchar_t *restrict  buffer,
const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,

The swscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string.

Reaching the end of the string is equivalent to reaching the end-of-file condition for fwscanf.

[in]bufferpointer to a null-terminated wide string to read from
[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[out]...arguments to write to
Neither buffer nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a lc into a single wide character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vswscanf_s(), snwprintf_s(), vsnprintf_s()

◆ vswscanf_s()

EXTERN int vswscanf_s ( const wchar_t *restrict  buffer,
const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vswscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string.

Reaching the end of the string is equivalent to reaching the end-of-file condition for fwscanf.

[in]bufferpointer to a null-terminated wide string to read from
[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[in]aparguments to write to
Neither buffer nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a lc into a single wide character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vswscanf_s(), snwprintf_s(), vsnprintf_s()

◆ wscanf_s()

EXTERN int wscanf_s ( const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,

The wscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string from stdin.

Reaching the end of the stdin buffer is equivalent to reaching the end-of-file condition for wscanf.

[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[out]...arguments to write to
fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a lc into a single wide character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vswscanf_s(), fwscanf_s(), vfwscanf_s(), vfwprintf_s()

◆ vwscanf_s()

EXTERN int vwscanf_s ( const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vwscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string from stdin.

Reaching the end of the stdin buffer is equivalent to reaching the end-of-file condition for vwscanf.

[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[out]aparguments to write to
Neither stream nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a lc into a single wide character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vswscanf_s(), wscanf_s(), vvwscanf_s(), vfwprintf_s()

◆ fwscanf_s()

EXTERN int fwscanf_s ( FILE *restrict  stream,
const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,

The fwscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string.

Reaching the end of the string is equivalent to reaching the end-of-file condition for fwscanf.

[in]streampointer to a FILE stream to read from
[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[out]...arguments to write to
Neither stream nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet) Note it currently even crashes with a NULL pointer.
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a lc into a single wide character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vswscanf_s(), wscanf_s(), vfwscanf_s(), vfwprintf_s()

◆ vfwscanf_s()

EXTERN int vfwscanf_s ( FILE *restrict  stream,
const wchar_t *restrict  fmt,
va_list  ap 

The vfwscanf_s function reads a formatted wide string.

Reaching the end of the string is equivalent to reaching the end-of-file condition for fwscanf.

[in]streampointer to a FILE stream to read from
[in]fmtformat-control wide string.
[out]aparguments to write to
Neither stream nor fmt shall be a null pointer.
fmt shall not contain the conversion specifier n
None of the arguments corresponding to s is a null pointer. (not yet)
No encoding error shall occur.
c, s, and %[ conversion specifiers each expect two arguments (the usual pointer and a value of type rsize_t indicating the size of the receiving array, which may be 1 when reading with a lc into a single wide character) and except that the following errors are detected at runtime and call the currently installed constraint handler function.
Number of receiving arguments successfully assigned, or EOF if read failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned or if there is a runtime constraint violation.
When an argument is not assigned to, it should be zero'd (not yet).
Return values
>0 on success, the number of arguments assigned
EOFon error
See also
vswscanf_s(), fwscanf_s(), vfwprintf_s()

◆ wcsstr_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsstr_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t  slen,
wchar_t **restrict  substring 

The wcsstr_s() function locates the first occurrence of the wide substring pointed to by src which would be located in the wide string pointed to by dest.

  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destwide string to be searched for the substring
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]srcpointer to the wide sub string
[in]slenthe maximum number of wide characters to use from src
[out]substringthe returned substring pointer
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
Neither dmax nor slen shall not be 0.
Neither dmax nor slen shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
Return values
EOKwhen successful operation, substring found.
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/substring is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax/slen = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/slen > RSIZE_MAX_STR
ESNOTFNDwhen substring not found
See also
wcsstr(), strstr_s(), memcmp32_s()

◆ wcscmp_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcscmp_s ( const wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t  smax,
int *  diff 

Compares wide string src to wide string dest.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG14 N1172, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destwide string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of wide string dest
[in]srcwide string to be compared to dest
[in]smaxrestricted maximum length of wide string src
[out]diffpointer to result diff, greater than 0, equal to 0 or less than 0, if the dest is greater than, equal to or less than src respectively.
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
diff shall not be a null pointer.
dmax/smax shall not be 0
dmax/smax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR
Return values
EOKwhen comparison is complete
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/diff is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax/smax = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/smax > RSIZE_MAX_WSTR
See also
strcmp_s(), wcsncmp_s(), wcsicmp_s()

◆ wcsncmp_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsncmp_s ( const wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t  smax,
rsize_t  count,
int *  diff 

Compares at most count wide characters of wide string src with wide string dest.

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG14 N1172, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destwide string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of wide string dest
[in]srcwide string to be compared to dest
[in]smaxrestricted maximum length of wide string src
[in]countmaximum number of wide characters to compare
[out]diffpointer to result diff, greater than 0, equal to 0 or less than 0, if the dest is greater than, equal to or less than src respectively.
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
diff shall not be a null pointer.
dmax/smax shall not be 0
dmax/smax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR
diff (when the return code is OK)
Return values
>0when dest greater than src
0when wide strings the same
<0when dest less than src
EOKwhen comparison is complete
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/diff is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax/smax = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/smax > RSIZE_MAX_WSTR
See also
strcmp_s(), wcscmp_s()

◆ wcsicmp_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsicmp_s ( const wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t  smax,
int *  diff 

Compares two wide strings case-folded, via wcsfc_s(), i.e.

case-folded and normalized, and returns if difference in the last parameter. The two strings may overlap.

[in]destwide string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of wide string dest
[in]srcwide string to be compared to dest
[in]smaxrestricted maximum length of wide string src
[out]diffpointer to result diff, greater than 0, equal to 0 or less than 0, if the dest is greater than, equal to or less than src respectively.
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
diff shall not be a null pointer.
dmax/smax shall not be 0
dmax/smax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR
Return values
EOKwhen comparison is complete
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/diff is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax/smax = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/smax > RSIZE_MAX_WSTR
See also
strcmp_s(), wcscmp_s(), wcsncmp_s(), wcsfc_s()

◆ wcsset_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsset_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
wchar_t  value 

Sets maximal dmax wide characters of dest to a wide character value, but not the final NULL character.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written in the array of dmax wide characters pointed to by dest are nulled.

  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
  • Implemented in the Windows secure API as _wcsset_s()
[out]destwide string that will be set.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]valuewide character value to write
Return values
EOKwhen successful
ESNULLPwhen dest is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
See also
wcsnset_s(), wmemset_s(), strzero_s(), strnset_s(), strispassword_s()

◆ wcsnset_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsnset_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
wchar_t  value,
rsize_t  n 

Sets maximal n wide characters of dest to a wide character value, but not the final NULL character.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written in the array of dmax wide characters pointed to by dest are nulled.

  • ISO/IEC TR 24731, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
  • Implemented in the Windows secure API as _wcsnset_s()
[out]destwide string that will be set.
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]valuewide character value to write
[in]nnumber of wide characters to be written
Return values
EOKwhen successful
ESNULLPwhen dest is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax > RSIZE_MAX_WSTR or value > max wchar_t
ESNOSPCwhen n > dmax
See also
wcsset_s(), wmemset_s(), strzero_s(), strnset_s(), strispassword_s()

◆ wcscoll_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcscoll_s ( const wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t  smax,
int *  indicator 

Compares two null-terminated wide strings according to the current locale as defined by the LC_COLLATE category.

Collation order is the dictionary order: the position of the letter in the national alphabet (its equivalence class) has higher priority than its case or variant. Within an equivalence class, lowercase characters collate before their uppercase equivalents and locale-specific order may apply to the characters with diacritics. In some locales, groups of characters compare as single collation units. For example, "ch" in Czech follows "h" and precedes "i", and "dzs" in Hungarian follows "dz" and precedes "g".

EXTENSION TO ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG14 N1172, Programming languages, environments and system software interfaces, Extensions to the C Library, Part I: Bounds-checking interfaces
[in]destwide string to compare against
[in]dmaxrestricted maximum length of dest
[in]srcwide string to be compared to dest
[in]smaxrestricted maximum length of src
[out]indicatorpointer to result indicator, greater than 0, equal to 0 or less than 0, if the string pointed to by dest is greater than, equal to or less than the string pointed to by src respectively.
Neither dest nor src shall be a null pointer.
indicator shall not be a null pointer.
dmax/smax shall not be 0
dmax/smax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR
indicator (when the return code is OK)
Return values
>0when dest greater than src
0when strings the same
<0when dest less than src
EOKwhen comparison is complete
ESNULLPwhen dest/src/indicator is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax/smax = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax/smax > RSIZE_MAX_WSTR
See also
wcscmp_s(), strcoll_s(), strcasecmp_s()

◆ wcslwr_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcslwr_s ( wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t  slen 

Scans the string converting uppercase characters to simple lowercase, leaving all other characters unchanged.

The scanning stops at the first null or after slen characters. The conversion is determined by the LC_CTYPE category setting of the locale. Other characters are not affected. It only performs simple case folding via towlower(), it does not do full multi-char folding and does not obey the special casing rules for context. Thus the length of buffer stays the same. It returns a pointer to the altered string. Because the modification is done in place, the pointer returned is the same as the pointer passed as the input argument.

  • Microsoft Windows Secure API
  • Novell NDK
  • Nokia openc
[out]srcwide string
[in]slenmaximum length of string
src shall not be a null pointer.
slen shall not equal zero before C11. Since C11 zero is allowed.
slen shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
Return values
EOKon successful operation
ESNULLPwhen src is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen slen = 0 before C11.
See also
wcsfc_s(), strtolowercase_s(), strlwr_s(), wcsupr_s()

◆ wcsupr_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsupr_s ( wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t  slen 

Scans the string converting lowercase characters to uppercase, leaving all other characters unchanged.

The scanning stops at the first null or after slen characters. The conversion is determined by the LC_CTYPE category setting of the locale. Other characters are not affected. It converts only single chars via towupper(). It returns a pointer to the altered string. Because the modification is done in place, the pointer returned is the same as the pointer passed as the input argument.

  • Microsoft Windows Secure API
  • Novell NDK
  • Nokia openc
[out]srcwide string
[in]slenmaximum length of string
src shall not be a null pointer.
slen shall not equal zero before C11. Since C11 zero is allowed.
slen shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
Return values
EOKon successful operation
ESNULLPwhen src is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen slen = 0 before C11.
See also
strtouppercase_s(), strlwr_s(), wcslwr_s()

◆ iswfc()

EXTERN int iswfc ( wint_t  wc)

◆ towfc_s()

EXTERN int towfc_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
const wint_t  src 

towfc_s() converts a wide character to fully fold-cased (lowercased with possible expansions), according to the Unicode 10.0 CaseFolding table.

Even in most the unsuccessul cases, just not with with ESNULLP and ESZEROL dest is being written to.

As of Unicode 10.0 there are no possible results as surrogate pairs with sizeof(wchar_t)==2, all results are below U+FFFF.

[out]destwide string buffer to store result
[in]dmaxmaximum size of dest, should be 4. (3 + NULL)
[in]srcwide character to convert to lowercase
dest shall not be a null pointer.
dmax shall be bigger than 3
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
Return values
>=0on successful operation, returns the number of converted wide characters: 0-3
-ESNULLPwhen dest is NULL pointer
-ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
-ESLEMINwhen dmax < 4
-ESNOTFNDwhen no mapping for src was found, iswfc is wrong.
See also
iswfc(), wcsfc_s(), towlower()

◆ wcsfc_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsfc_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t *restrict  lenp 

Converts the wide string via full case-folding NFD normalized to lowercase.

The conversion stops at the first null or after dmax characters. The conversion is determined by the LC_CTYPE category setting of the locale. Other characters are not affected. fold-case performs full case folding, i.e. if iswfc() of a character > 1, the length of dest might be greater than the length of src (max 4 per char), the conversion is done via towfc_s() and Unicode 10.0, the Unicode special-casing rules are obeyed, and composed characters are normalized to NFD via wcsnorm_decompose_s() and wcsnorm_reorder_s(). If not, the conversion is per character done via normal towlower(). Note that decomposition creates larger strings, typically 2-3 chars more.

With SAFECLIB_STR_NULL_SLACK defined all elements following the terminating null character (if any) written in the array of dmax characters pointed to by dest are nulled.

SpecialCasing checks for conditional boundary context at the begin or end of certain characters (final greek sigma), and locale sensitive rules for the Lithuanian and the Turkish/Azeri I-dot.

Composed characters are checked for the left-hand-side of the Decomposition_Mapping Unicode property, which means the codepoint will be normalized to NFD if any codepoint is composed. Technically only FCD as all FC expansions are already properly ordered, and all mangled marks will not be reordered, as the have the same Combining Class.

[out]destwide string to hold the result (~130% larger than src)
[in]dmaxmaximum result buffer size
[in]srcwide string
[out]lenppointer to length of the result, may be NULL
dest and src shall not be null pointers.
dmax shall not be smaller than 5 and big enough for dest.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
Return values
EOKon successful operation
ESNULLPwhen dest or src is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESLEMAXwhen dmax > RSIZE_MAX_WSTR or a cp > 0x10ffff
ESNOSPCwhen dmax is too small for the decomposition. *lenp is still written, to know how much space is needed.
ESNOTFNDInternal error as returned by towfc_s() for multi-char foldings. happens only when the internal implementations of iswfc() and towfc_s() are mismatched.
See also
iswfc(), towfc_s(), towupper(), wcslwr_s(), wcsupr_s()

◆ wcsnorm_decompose_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsnorm_decompose_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
wchar_t *restrict  src,
rsize_t *restrict  lenp,
bool  iscompat 

Converts the wide string to the canonical NFD normalization, as defined in the latest Unicode standard, latest 10.0.

The conversion stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

Composed characters are checked for the left-hand-size of the Decomposition_Mapping Unicode property, which means the codepoint will be normalized if the sequence is composed. This is equivalent to all 1963 combining mark characters, plus some remaining 869 non-mark and non-hangul normalizables. Hangul has some special normalization logic.

This function is used by wcsnorm_s() to do the argument checking, overlap checking and to do the first of three passes for NFC.

[out]destwide string to hold the result
[in]dmaxmaximum result buffer size
[in]srcwide string
[out]lenppointer to length of the result, may be NULL
[in]iscompatdo NFKD, and not NFD (with –enable-norm-compat)
dest and src shall not be null pointers.
dmax shall not equal zero and big enough for dest.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR, then wcsnorm_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKon success
ESNULLPwhen dest or src is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESLEMINwhen dmax < 5 or 19 with a compat mode
ESOVRLPwhen buffers overlap
ESNOSPCwhen dmax too small for the result buffer
EOFon some normalization error
See also
wcsfc_s(), wcsnorm_s(), wcsnorm_compose_s(), wcsnorm_reorder_s(), ICU, gnulib/libunistring, utf8proc

◆ wcsnorm_reorder_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsnorm_reorder_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
wchar_t *restrict  p,
rsize_t  len 

Reorder all decomposed sequences in a wide string to NFD, as defined in the latest Unicode standard, latest 10.0.

The conversion stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

[out]destwide string to hold the result
[in]dmaxmaximum result buffer size
[in]pwide string to be converted
[in]lenlength of p
dest and p shall not be null pointers.
dmax shall not equal zero and big enough for dest.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR, then wcsnorm_reorder_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKon success
ESNOSPCwhen dmax too small for the result buffer
EOFon some normalization error
See also
wcsnorm_s(), wcsnorm_decompose_s(), ICU, gnulib/libunistring, utf8proc

◆ wcsnorm_compose_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsnorm_compose_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
wchar_t *restrict  p,
rsize_t *restrict  lenp,
bool  iscontig 

Combine all decomposed sequences in a wide string to NFC, as defined in the latest Unicode standard, latest 10.0.

The conversion stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

[out]destwide string to hold the result
[in]dmaxmaximum result buffer size
[in]pwide string to be converted
[out]lenppointer to length of p and the result length.
[in]iscontigif true, the result will only be a fast FCC
dest, p and lenp shall not be null pointers.
dmax shall not equal zero and big enough for dest.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR, then wcsnorm_reorder_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKon success
ESNOSPCwhen dmax too small for the result buffer
EOFon some normalization error
See also
wcsnorm_s(), wcsnorm_decompose_s(), ICU, gnulib/libunistring, utf8proc

◆ wcsnorm_s()

EXTERN errno_t wcsnorm_s ( wchar_t *restrict  dest,
rsize_t  dmax,
wchar_t *restrict  src,
wcsnorm_mode_t  mode,
rsize_t *restrict  lenp 

Converts the wide string to the canonical NFC or NFD normalization, as defined in the latest Unicode standard, latest 10.0.

The conversion stops at the first null or after dmax characters.

Decomposed characters are checked for the left-hand-size and then right-hand-side of the Decomposition_Mapping Unicode property, which means the codepoint will be normalized if the sequence is composed or decomposed (NFD or NFKD). This is equivalent to all 1963 combining mark characters, plus some remaining 869 non-mark and non-hangul normalizables. Hangul has some special normalization logic.

The compat tables for NFKC or NFKD are too large for a libc, and mostly unused. As default we only provide the smaller canonical conversions, but it can be enabled with –enable-norm-compat. The compat modes also don't roundtrip.

[out]destwide string to hold the result
[in]dmaxmaximum length of string
[in]srcwide string
[in]modeconvert to nfc or just nfd. experimentally to fast modes FCD or FCC. optionally to compat modes NFKD, NFKC with –enable-norm-compat
See also
enum wcsnorm_mode.
[out]lenppointer to length of the result, may be NULL
dest and src shall not be null pointers.
dmax shall not equal zero and big enough for dest.
dmax shall not be greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR.
If there is a runtime-constraint violation, then if dest is not a null pointer and dmax is greater than zero and not greater than RSIZE_MAX_WSTR, then wcsnorm_s nulls dest.
Return values
EOKon success
ESNULLPwhen dest or src is NULL pointer
ESZEROLwhen dmax = 0
ESLEMINwhen dmax < 5
ESOVRLPwhen buffers overlap
ESNOSPCwhen dmax too small for the result buffer
EOFany other normalization error
See also
wcsfc_s(), ICU, gnulib/libunistring, utf8proc